Boycott HP, Mark Int’l Day of Solidarity with Palestinians

Boycott HP, Mark International Day of Solidarity
Saturday, December 7, 2 pm
Best Buy, 798 Granville (at Robson), Vancouver
Join the FB event

Nov. 29 marks the International Day of Solidarity with the Palestinian People. This year, join with us and show our solidarity with the Palestinians to say #BoycottHP, Technology of Israeli Apartheid!

Hewlett Packard branded companies play a key role in Israel’s oppression of Palestinians.… Read more

#RaptorsDontGo Campaign Declares Victory

Statement of Canadian BDS Coalition
October 22, 2019

The Canadian BDS Coalition is pleased to announce that the #RaptorsDontGo campaign has been successful. Our campaign was launched in June 2019, immediately following the Raptors victory in the NBA championship; and after team co-owner Larry Tanenbaum received extensive coverage in the Israeli media stating he would bring the team to visit Israel if they won the championship.… Read more

Liberal Party Position on Palestine

Oct. 18, 2019
Since the Liberal Party chose to not respond to I Vote Palestine questions, we have summarized their position in their response to the Zionist organization, the B’nai Brith. Highlights were:
BDS is anti-Semitic, Yes to IHRA, No to “Singling-out Israel”, and the Gaza March of Return is an Iranian conspiracy!

More details:

“the Prime Minister and Liberal Caucus supported a resolution in the House of Commons condemning the BDS movement … rejecting “the Boycott, Divestment and Sanctions (BDS) movement, which promotes the demonization and delegitimization of the State of Israel.”… Read more

The NDP responds to I Vote Palestine questions

Text version of the New Democratic Party NDP response to the I Vote Palestine letter with the nine questions sent by CPA (in the name of 21 organizations) to all party leaders.

Oct. 8, 2019
NDP Response: Canada Palestine Association

We stand for freedom, justice and equality for the Palestinian people, and
we ask you to clarify where you and your party stand on the following:

* Do you support Palestinian human and national rights including the inalienable right to self-determination?… Read more

Resisting Attacks on Palestinian Rights

nullWednesday, October 2, 2019 at 7 PM – 9 PM
SFU Harbour Centre Campus Vancouver (Room 7000)

Facebook Event


Hanna Kawas, Canada Palestine Association
Charlotte Kates, SAMIDOUN Palestinian Prisoner Support Network
Neil Naiman, Independent Jewish Voices-Vancouver
Sara Sagaii, COPE Organizer
Marion Kawas, BDS Vancouver

Presentations will analyse recent measures taken by governments outside of Israel to repress Palestinian voices and criminalize Palestinian political activity and Palestine solidarity under the guise of ‘combating antisemitism’.… Read more

nullWednesday, October 2, 2019 at 7 PM – 9 PM
SFU Harbour Centre Campus Vancouver (Room 7000)

Facebook Event


Hanna Kawas, Canada Palestine Association
Charlotte Kates, SAMIDOUN Palestinian Prisoner Support Network
Neil Naiman, Independent Jewish Voices-Vancouver
Sara Sagaii, COPE Organizer
Marion Kawas, BDS Vancouver

Presentations will analyse recent measures taken by governments outside of Israel to repress Palestinian voices and criminalize Palestinian political activity and Palestine solidarity under the guise of ‘combating antisemitism’.… Read more

Bruce Katz: “On the False Notion of anti-Semitism”

This is the presentation given by Bruce Katz at the CISO (Centre International de Solidarité Ouvrière) at the Symposium on Palestinian Self-Determination held in Montreal from November 29th to December 1st, 2018. Translated from the original French.
CISO Symposium on Palestinian Self-Determination

‘On the false notion of anti-Semitism’
Bruce Katz
Palestinian and Jewish Unity

My presentation is divided into three parts: first, a brief overview of the dialectic formed by Zionism and anti-Semitism, because far from being opposing forces, the two have traveled together since the beginning of Zionism.… Read more

Is Cuba normalizing settler colonialism in Palestine?

New articles in Mondoweiss and Palestine Chronicle
“Cuba Should Not Normalize with Israeli Settler Colonialism”
By Hanna Kawas & Marion Kawas

With sadness and outrage, we recently learnt from the Israeli press about the visit of the Jewish National Fund (KKL-JNF) delegation to Cuba.
At the beginning of 2018, we became aware of some incidents indicating that Cuba might be on the road of normalizing relations with Israeli apartheid.… Read more

New articles in Mondoweiss and Palestine Chronicle
“Cuba Should Not Normalize with Israeli Settler Colonialism”
By Hanna Kawas & Marion Kawas

With sadness and outrage, we recently learnt from the Israeli press about the visit of the Jewish National Fund (KKL-JNF) delegation to Cuba.
At the beginning of 2018, we became aware of some incidents indicating that Cuba might be on the road of normalizing relations with Israeli apartheid.… Read more

Open Letter to Toronto Raptors

Articles on the Raptors campaign:
Please #SkipTheTrip to Israel, Toronto Raptors
Toronto Raptors: Please #SkipTheTrip to Israel
Sports-washing and the Toronto Raptors

Open Letter to Toronto Raptors:
“Please take this opportunity to stand with Palestinians in their struggle for freedom..”

June 15, 2019
Dear Toronto Raptors,

We are writing to you as long-time fans to urge you to uphold Palestinian human rights and not to travel to Israel.… Read more

Articles on the Raptors campaign:
Please #SkipTheTrip to Israel, Toronto Raptors
Toronto Raptors: Please #SkipTheTrip to Israel
Sports-washing and the Toronto Raptors

Open Letter to Toronto Raptors:
“Please take this opportunity to stand with Palestinians in their struggle for freedom..”

June 15, 2019
Dear Toronto Raptors,

We are writing to you as long-time fans to urge you to uphold Palestinian human rights and not to travel to Israel.… Read more

Ohad Naharin…Real Solidarity starts with BDS!

Ohad Naharin – Charity is not Solidarity!
By Marion Kawas

Recent articles in the Israeli media have highlighted a controversy surrounding renowned Israeli choreographer Ohad Naharin, former artistic director of Batsheva and recently also connected with Ballet BC in Canada.
He made comments on Israeli military radio leading up to a fundraiser for the Association for Civil Rights in Israel, which he was promoting.… Read more

Ohad Naharin – Charity is not Solidarity!
By Marion Kawas

Recent articles in the Israeli media have highlighted a controversy surrounding renowned Israeli choreographer Ohad Naharin, former artistic director of Batsheva and recently also connected with Ballet BC in Canada.
He made comments on Israeli military radio leading up to a fundraiser for the Association for Civil Rights in Israel, which he was promoting.… Read more

Open Letter to Government of Canada, Cities of Vancouver and Montreal re CanaDanse Festival in Israel

New Article in Palestine Chronicle on updates for Ballet BC campaign.

The Canadian BDS Coalition sent the following letter on December 18, 2018 to:

Pablo Rodriquez, Federal Minister of Heritage
Ambassador Deborah Lyons, Canadian Ambassador to Israel
Kennedy Stewart, Mayor of Vancouver
Valérie Plante, Mayor of Montreal


Open Letter from Canadian BDS Coalition to Government of Canada, Cities of Vancouver and Montreal

We have become aware that you are listed as one of the official sponsors of the CanaDanse Festival, being held in Israel in January 2019.… Read more

New Article in Palestine Chronicle on updates for Ballet BC campaign.

The Canadian BDS Coalition sent the following letter on December 18, 2018 to:

Pablo Rodriquez, Federal Minister of Heritage
Ambassador Deborah Lyons, Canadian Ambassador to Israel
Kennedy Stewart, Mayor of Vancouver
Valérie Plante, Mayor of Montreal


Open Letter from Canadian BDS Coalition to Government of Canada, Cities of Vancouver and Montreal

We have become aware that you are listed as one of the official sponsors of the CanaDanse Festival, being held in Israel in January 2019.… Read more