#StopTheJNF…We will not Stop, We will not Rest!

News broke earlier this week about Canada Revenue Agency’s intention to revoke the JNF’s charitable status. Although this was positive news, only brought on by enormous grassroots pressure, we must be cautious in considering this a victory. It is not yet a done deal and the JNF, in its own July 25 media statement, announced that they were appealing and “JNF Canada will continue its charitable activity including collecting and receipting donations and distributing funds while the legal challenge is before the Federal Court of Appeal…JNF Canada is continuing its work”.… Read more

Zionism and its lobby groups are bankrupt!

Future historians will study how a settler colonial regime, engaged in a vicious genocide, managed to promote the false narrative of themselves as the “victim”. Academics will marvel at how this narrative was adopted and parroted by Western politicians, institutions and the media, even those claiming to be progressive. 

They will be dumbfounded how the U.S.-Israeli aggression on Gaza committed massacre after massacre, but would then escape criticism by rushing to recycle some debunked claims from nine months earlier.… Read more

Stand with Dania! Shame on our Political Leaders!

Are our politicians not ashamed of the way they all line up to “pile on” and attack whoever the major pro-Israel groups decide is the current persona non grata? And that they do this within just a few hours of each other? …Time and again we have seen this pattern of rushing to condemn some specific protestor or group.  Our politicians, and many of the mainstream media, seem to have no shame when it comes to proving their loyalty to the Zionist project. … Read more

July 13 Actions4Palestine

** Note: We are gathering at 8 pm to provide some relief from the heat. We urge all to come and make this a MASSIVE evening march for Palestine. We also plan to conclude the evening with a night vigil for the martyrs of Palestine, Lebanon, Yemen & beyond. **

And before the rally, join the VanBike4Palestine event.

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