#ShutElbitDown, Shame on ScotiaBank

ScotiaBank name is an embarrassment – Canada Palestine Association (cpavancouver.org)

Mar 15: No Business as Usual for Scotiabank – Canada Palestine Association (cpavancouver.org)


Shame on Scotiabank, #ShutElbitDown Picket – Canada Palestine Association

Saturday, September 23, 2 pm
1750 Manitoba St., Vancouver (False Creek Branch)

Join us on September 23 to highlight the complicity of Scotiabank in funding the killing of Palestinians.
Scotiabank is the largest foreign investor in the Israeli arms company Elbit Systems; their asset fund has invested half a billion dollars in an arms company whose weapons are routinely used to rain death and destruction on Palestinians.
Sign our action alert letter: Tell Scotiabank to Divest Now from Elbit Systems

Vancouver picket/flash action: Freedom for Walid Daqqah and Scotiabank #ShutElbitDown – Canada Palestine Association (cpavancouver.org)

Canada’s Scotiabank is funding Israeli war crimes – Mondoweiss