Vancouver activists were out on the streets on July 22 to say Shame on Scotiabank and #ShutElbitDown. Scotiabank is the largest foreign investor in Israeli arms company Elbit. Although usually open on Saturdays, the Scotiabank branch we marched to was mysteriously “temporarily closed” when we arrived to tell Scotiabank they have Palestinian blood on their hands.
We joined with BDS Vancouver, Samidoun Vancouver, Masar Badil and Bayan Canada to Stand With Palestine and denounce Canadian complicity in Israeli war crimes. (Photos by Michael YC Tseng)
New article on Al Mayadeen English: Activists vow to #ShutElbitDown | Al Mayadeen English

And there was moving and important testimony at the July 18th Vancouver meeting “Stopping Israel’s Killer Drones”. Drone survivors and activists spoke about the horrific human cost of Israel’s use of armed drones, and there was an update on the campaign to demand Scotiabank divest from Elbit Systems.

More info here: Canada’s Scotiabank is funding Israeli war crimes
And be sure to send your letter to Scotiabank demanding they stop investing in Israeli war crimes! Tell Scotiabank to Divest Now from Elbit Systems – Action Network
Highlight reel from July 22 Action: