On November 16, despite strong and diverse opposition, Vancouver City Council adopted the dangerous and divisive IHRA definition. The IHRA is designed to “chill” speech on Palestine and institutionalizes anti-Palestinian racism.
Canada Palestine Association is grateful for all the speakers who took the time to express their opposition to the IHRA in front of council before the vote. They represented the best of Vancouver and showed that our voices will not be silenced.… Read more
Month: November 2022
Mark Int’l Day of Solidarity/Boycott Israeli Wines Picket Nov. 26
Great photos from our picket/instore flash action: #BoycottIsraeliWines #NoIHRA

Join local groups in Vancouver to mark the annual International Day of Solidarity with the Palestinian People with a picket to “Tell the BC NDP Govt to Pull Israeli Apartheid Wines”.… Read more
Vancouver and #NoIHRA, Again!
Action Alert:
Here is the text of the motion introduced to Vancouver City Council. We encourage all supporters to sign up to speak against the motion either in-person or by phone through this link. #NoIHRA
Update: The BC Civil Liberties Association put out a letter on Nov. 7 reaffirming that they “are strongly opposed to the IHRA definition because of its threat to freedom of expression”.… Read more