Rally/Vigil October 19th, Vancouver City Hall: We Stand with Palestine

Join us on Thursday October 19th at 6 pm to show that Vancouverites stand with Palestine and to mourn with Gaza as they bury the most recent victims of this ongoing genocide. Just today, Israel bombed a hospital in Gaza City, massacring hundreds (estimate so far is 800), including refugees taking shelter there.

Mayor Ken Sim has been vocal about his support for Israel since October 7th (and before) and also been smearing Palestinian supporters as “terrorists”.… Read more

B’nai Brith Canada is desperate to shut down support for Palestine!

Any doubts about the agenda of B’nai Brith Canada should be dispelled by this cover photo for their annual audit of “AntiSemitic Incidents”.
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Statement regarding Israeli attack on Palestinian worshippers at al-Aqsa Mosque

As solidarity organizations with the Palestinian people, we condemn in the strongest terms the brutal Israeli attack on Palestinian worshippers at the al-Aqsa mosque on April 5, 2023. We hold the Canadian government and its Western allies, headed by the US, responsible for this atrocity committed by Apartheid Israel. Their unconditional support for Israeli war crimes and their denial of the racist and apartheid nature of the Israeli regime only encourages Israel to continue with its ethnic cleansing and genocide against the Palestinian people; such support also shields Israel from any accountability.… Read more

International Cellars Inc: Wine Merchants or War Crimes Profiteers

New Action Alert Letter Campaign:
Tell International Cellars to Stop Profiting off Israeli War Crimes – Action Network

The import and sale of Israeli wines in provincial liquor stores across Canada is a microcosm of how apartheid maintains “business as usual”, despite changing political conditions. The war crimes profiteering from the sale of Israeli products has been tracked for many years in BC by #BoycottIsraeliWine campaigners.… Read more

Ontario Gov’t Cements Ties with Apartheid Israel

Doing the complete apartheid tour!

Ontario Minister of Colleges and Universities Jill Dunlop visited Israel because its a “powerhouse when it comes to innovation”. Along with her visits to tech companies and universities, she had a “lovely chat” with Irwin Cotler and claims to have tasted “authentic Israeli falafel”. Israeli officials noted there should be “concrete steps…to strengthen our tech…collaboration”, further enhancing the Ontario-Israel Memorandum of Understanding MOU launched back in 2005.Read more

CPA 2022 Year in Review

Canada Palestine Association had another busy year of activism in 2022, as the Palestinian solidarity movement in diaspora reflected the new spirit of the Unity Intifada. Here is a list of most of our campaign highlights, along with statements and interviews done throughout the year. We are moved and grateful for all the committed and dedicated activists who show that we will always #StandWithPalestine; solid grassroots organizing is the best answer to the Zionist lobby smear attacks.… Read more

Motion withdrawn to adopt IHRA at Richmond City Council

UPDATE: Richmond City Council has listened to the many community voices saying #NoIHRA; the motion to adopt the IHRA was withdrawn prior to their Dec. 19 meeting.
This is a victory for Palestinian rights and free speech. Great effort by all those who worked to achieve this outcome.

Following is the text of a letter sent by CPA Chair on December 16, 2022.Read more

Is CBC Ombudsman impartial in his IHRA Vancouver review?

In his November 2022 Inbox, the CBC Ombudsman chose to comment on CBC’s coverage of Vancouver’s recent adoption of the IHRA; he did so before issuing his final report on an ongoing review, and clearly without any understanding of either the IHRA definition itself nor the dynamics of what happened at Vancouver City Council. Once again, it seems the CBC Ombudsman will fail the Palestinian community, similar to his 2021 ruling that the CBC “language guide” censoring the word Palestine was “reasonable”.… Read more

Debunking the IHRA Definition: A Palestinian Perspective

We will not be silenced! Yes, Israel is a racist endeavour!

On November 16, the new Vancouver City Council adopted the IHRA definition of anti-Semitism, despite a massive community pushback that has pledged to keep support of Palestine visible and vocal going forward. The main objective of the IHRA definition is to legitimize Israel and to slander all those who expose its illegal and inhumane activities, putting a chill on the Palestinian solidarity work and covering up for Israeli war crimes.… Read more

Vancouver City Council adopts anti-Palestinian IHRA definition

On November 16, despite strong and diverse opposition, Vancouver City Council adopted the dangerous and divisive IHRA definition. The IHRA is designed to “chill” speech on Palestine and institutionalizes anti-Palestinian racism.
Canada Palestine Association is grateful for all the speakers who took the time to express their opposition to the IHRA in front of council before the vote. They represented the best of Vancouver and showed that our voices will not be silenced.… Read more