Vancouver and #NoIHRA, Again!

Action Alert:
Here is the text of the motion introduced to Vancouver City Council. We encourage all supporters to sign up to speak against the motion either in-person or by phone through this link. #NoIHRA

Update: The BC Civil Liberties Association put out a letter on Nov. 7 reaffirming that they “are strongly opposed to the IHRA definition because of its threat to freedom of expression”.
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Open Letter to Algerian President and the Arab Summit

(English translation below)

الرئيس السيد عبد المجيد تبون

.نشكركم على تسميتكم القمة العربية بقمة فلسطين

.يمر العالم بمنعطف تاريخي والعالم العربي يغفوا في غيبوبة عميقة
بينما تستقبلون رؤساء دول أوروبية مسؤولة عن الابادة الجماعية في الجزائر، فلسطين وأماكن أخرى في العالم، يقوم الإتحاد الأوروبي بمنع مناضلين فلسطينيين من دخول أوروبا وسجن ولعقود طويلة مناضلين يدعمون القضية الفلسطينية

.الغرب يفرض العقوبات على أي دولة تهدد مصالحه، اما أنظمتنا العربية فلا تكترث لمصالح أمتنا وشعوبها

.إذا… Read more

March for Palestine, Oct. 29

Update: Photo Gallery from the Event

Message at opening rally on Canadian complicity by CPA chair
March on Commercial Drive, Vancouver

Oct. 29, 12 noon Commercial Skytrain Station: Join us as we march in solidarity on this International day of action for the Right of Return and Liberation! We’ll be meeting at the Commercial Skytrain Station to Grandview Park.

The march is an internationally coordinated action by the Palestinian Alternative Revolutionary Path Movement and coincides with their march on the European Parliament in Brussels.… Read more

Final Report #IVotePalestine Vancouver

Canada Palestine Association sent out a questionnaire to the candidates and parties running in the upcoming Vancouver city election, asking them about anti-Palestinian racism, #NoIHRA, JNF, police exchanges with Israeli units and making Vancouver an apartheid-free city. Here are the responses to date:
1. Response from Christine Boyle, OneCity Vancouver
2. Response from Sean Orr, Vote Socialist: YES to all five questions.Read more

Tabling at Roger Waters Concert, Vancouver

On September 15, Canada Palestine Association and BDS Vancouver joined with Samidoun Vancouver and the Canadian BDS Coalition in presenting an information table at the Roger Waters Concert, that highlighted campaigns to deshelve Israeli apartheid wines and free Palestinian prisoners.
As Samidoun noted in their social media report: “With a large Freedom for Palestine banner — a message reinforced repeatedly by Roger Waters throughout the show — we were able to meet and talk with many concertgoers, receiving very positive feedback, and real interest in getting involved in the campaign for Palestinian liberation.”… Read more

#IVotePalestine: Vancouver Election Edition

UPDATE: Final Report #IVotePalestine Vancouver

The following questionnaire was sent to all civic organizations running in the Vancouver municipal election. Here are the responses so far.
1. Response from Christine Boyle, OneCity Vancouver
2. Response from Sean Orr, Vote Socialist: YES to all five questions. Vote Socialist also included some of the points raised in our questionnaire in their platform.Read more

David Eby & BC NDP’s Failure on Israeli Apartheid Wines

Four years ago this month, the Boycott Israeli Wines campaign held a picket at the MLA office of BC Attorney General David Eby. At the time, his mandate included the BC Liquor Distribution Branch, which has been flaunting international law and Palestinians rights for over a decade by stocking Israeli apartheid wines linked to the illegal settlement enterprise.

And our delegation inside his office.
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Boycotting Israeli Products has a long history in Vancouver

In the late 1980s, Canada Palestine Association launched their first targeted consumer boycott of Achva Halva bars. Previous calls to boycott Israel had been more general and this campaign was to be the first of many consumer boycott initiatives. The campaign met with some success as several small businesses in the popular Commercial Drive area agreed to no longer carry the Halva bars, produced in an illegal Israeli settlement “industrial zone”.… Read more

Resources on Zionist Relations with Nazi Germany

  1. 51 Documents: Zionist Collaboration with the Nazis
    Paperback – Mar 16, 2010
    By Lenni Brenner
  2. Zionist Relations with Nazi Germany by Faris Yahya
    Original Printing: Palestine Research Center, Beirut, Lebanon, January 1978
    Second Printing: Palestine Distribution Center, Vancouver Canada, October 1980
  3. Zionism in the Age of Dictators
    Copyright 1983 by Lenni Brenner
  4. The Holocaust Victims Accuse
    Copyright 1977 by Reb Moshe Shonfeld
  5. Zionism During the Holocaust: The Weaponization of Memory in the Service of State and Nation
    By Tony Greenstein, October 2022
    Check the Electronic Intifada podcast interviewing the author on his book “How Zionists collaborated with the Nazis.
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