Palestinian and Indigenous Solidarity

 Sto:lo Elder and Indigenous rights and environmental activist, Larry Commodore, will share the story of his arrest and abuse at the hands of Israeli police when he travelled to show solidarity with Palestinian people. Adding to this conversation will be long-time Palestinian Canadian activist, Hanna Kawas, who will be speaking about his experience in this field of advocacy.

Register on Eventbrite to attend (tickets are free).… Read more

Palestine Solidarity Goes Back to its Roots

On April 28-30, the Liberation Conference was held in Ottawa, Canada to examine strategies for Palestine solidarity work going forward in North America. The conference was organized by Masar Badil, who has already held several conferences in Europe, Brazil and Lebanon and is working to harness the new energy amongst diaspora Palestinians.

The conference was attacked by Zionist lobby groups before the first speaker even stepped to the platform, based on a now familiar litany of fraudulent charges of “terrorism”.… Read more

Nakba75 Vancouver

Until Return and Freedom!
Raise the Palestinian Flag!
May 14, 1 pm Vancouver Art Gallery
Nakba75 Vancouver | Facebook

Join us to mark 75 years of Palestinian dispossession and commemorate the continuing Palestinian resistance, as the Palestinian people refuse to submit to Zionist settler colonialism, aggression, and occupation.

Let’s hold the Palestinian flag high in Vancouver, and also tell the U.S.… Read more

B’nai Brith Canada is desperate to shut down support for Palestine!

Any doubts about the agenda of B’nai Brith Canada should be dispelled by this cover photo for their annual audit of “AntiSemitic Incidents”.
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Statement regarding Israeli attack on Palestinian worshippers at al-Aqsa Mosque

As solidarity organizations with the Palestinian people, we condemn in the strongest terms the brutal Israeli attack on Palestinian worshippers at the al-Aqsa mosque on April 5, 2023. We hold the Canadian government and its Western allies, headed by the US, responsible for this atrocity committed by Apartheid Israel. Their unconditional support for Israeli war crimes and their denial of the racist and apartheid nature of the Israeli regime only encourages Israel to continue with its ethnic cleansing and genocide against the Palestinian people; such support also shields Israel from any accountability.… Read more

Boycott Israeli Wines/Commemorate Palestine Land Day

Photo Michael YC Tseng
Photo Michael YC Tseng

Samidoun report: Vancouver demonstration demands boycott of “Israeli” wines, freedom for Palestinian prisoners

BC Liquor Store 1108 Pacific Blvd.… Read more

International Cellars Inc: Wine Merchants or War Crimes Profiteers

New Action Alert Letter Campaign:
Tell International Cellars to Stop Profiting off Israeli War Crimes – Action Network

The import and sale of Israeli wines in provincial liquor stores across Canada is a microcosm of how apartheid maintains “business as usual”, despite changing political conditions. The war crimes profiteering from the sale of Israeli products has been tracked for many years in BC by #BoycottIsraeliWine campaigners.… Read more

Banner Drops 4 Palestine

Feb. 12, 2023: Banner Drops on Two Vancouver Bridges as part of Days of Rage and Resistance

And here are photos from January’s banner drop and postering action!

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Ontario Gov’t Cements Ties with Apartheid Israel

Doing the complete apartheid tour!

Ontario Minister of Colleges and Universities Jill Dunlop visited Israel because its a “powerhouse when it comes to innovation”. Along with her visits to tech companies and universities, she had a “lovely chat” with Irwin Cotler and claims to have tasted “authentic Israeli falafel”. Israeli officials noted there should be “concrete steps…to strengthen our tech…collaboration”, further enhancing the Ontario-Israel Memorandum of Understanding MOU launched back in 2005.Read more

CPA 2022 Year in Review

Canada Palestine Association had another busy year of activism in 2022, as the Palestinian solidarity movement in diaspora reflected the new spirit of the Unity Intifada. Here is a list of most of our campaign highlights, along with statements and interviews done throughout the year. We are moved and grateful for all the committed and dedicated activists who show that we will always #StandWithPalestine; solid grassroots organizing is the best answer to the Zionist lobby smear attacks.… Read more