The Delusionary Appeal of Electoral Politics

 Once again, a federal election is looming. And again, the same cycle will be repeated of many activists busying themselves with the allure of impacting politicians. We will be told that we must engage in this important work, even donate money for it, as it will be critical to advancing the cause of Palestine. But is it? And does all this “busy work” actually result in any substantial change? … Read more

Support our legal defense fund!

Protecting our Rights, Defending our Voices

Over the last year, the Canada Palestine Association has been supporting activists targeted by institutional and police repression across BC. We have seen multiple cases of intimidation and harassment, especially by the Vancouver Police. CPA has already donated over $10,000 from funds previously collected to help people gain legal representation and fight back.

Stand up for our rights, defend our voices and donate today.
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#Nakba76 Activist Kit: Raise The Flag

Special Offer:
Order one Palestinian flag and a scarf (or two flags) for $15, including shipping to anywhere in Canada. (Also included will be a bonus sticker, small flag or pin.)

Flag is 90 cm x 150 cm, and the scarf has the Palestinian flag/keffiyeh motif plus an image of Al-Aqsa mosque.
Send an e-transfer for $15 to [email protected] (along with your mailing address in a separate email) to ensure you have what you need to #Stand4Palestine everyday and on Nakba76!… Read more

Media Complicity in Demonizing Palestinians

York University Update

“The damage has been done, the smear was repeated and repeated, and a half-hearted revision five days after the first story will not undue the harm that has been caused.”

This quote is from the article posted on the CPA website yesterday, entitled “Jerusalem Post admits to printing false info about York University protest”. That article detailed how false and dangerous accusations against pro-Palestinian supporters in a Jerusalem Post story had lacked any credible evidence and were eventually revised in updated versions.… Read more

Anti-Zionism: Cornerstone of Palestine Solidarity

(Photo of 1975 Vancouver protest against Moshe Dayan)

In 1976, the late Shafik al-Hout sat in the living room of a house in Vancouver, Canada with local supporters and passionately tried to mobilize them to be active for Palestine. Give the Palestinian people whatever you can, he said, “even if its just your smile”. Shafik was known for his eloquent speaking and this comment was part truth, part sarcasm and part tragedy.… Read more

Boycott The Jim Pattison Group‏

The following is a statement issued by the Canada Palestine Association, Vancouver.
We hope you support this campaign and will consider endorsing it.
All endorsements should be sent to [email protected] and will be noted on our website.
Thank you.

Jim Pattison Supports Israeli Apartheid and Ethnic Cleansing of Palestinians

March 9, 2012 – Canada Palestine Association calls on all supporters of the Palestinian peoples struggle to boycott Jim Pattison and his business empire.… Read more

The following is a statement issued by the Canada Palestine Association, Vancouver.
We hope you support this campaign and will consider endorsing it.
All endorsements should be sent to [email protected] and will be noted on our website.
Thank you.

Jim Pattison Supports Israeli Apartheid and Ethnic Cleansing of Palestinians

March 9, 2012 – Canada Palestine Association calls on all supporters of the Palestinian peoples struggle to boycott Jim Pattison and his business empire.… Read more

Boycott Canadian Tire

Below is a letter Canada Palestine Association sent to the CEO and President of Canadian Tire regarding their carrying Israeli products, including those from illegal settlements. CPA is calling on supporters and friends to boycott all Canadian Tire outlets and to cancel their Canadian Tire credit cards. Please go to this link at the CJPME website and add your voice to telling Canadian Tire officials that we will not engage in “business as usual” with such unethical practices.… Read more

Below is a letter Canada Palestine Association sent to the CEO and President of Canadian Tire regarding their carrying Israeli products, including those from illegal settlements. CPA is calling on supporters and friends to boycott all Canadian Tire outlets and to cancel their Canadian Tire credit cards. Please go to this link at the CJPME website and add your voice to telling Canadian Tire officials that we will not engage in “business as usual” with such unethical practices.… Read more

Boycott Cactus Club


Don’t Drink with Apartheid, It’ll Surely Ruin your Appetite!

Dear Friends:

Cactus Club, a chain of restaurants in Western Canada, is carrying one of the Galil wines labelled from Israel on its wine list. Despite several attempts to engage with their management on this issue (see letter below), they have not even acknowledged receiving our messages; rather, they have chosen to ignore the human rights principles at stake.… Read more


Don’t Drink with Apartheid, It’ll Surely Ruin your Appetite!

Dear Friends:

Cactus Club, a chain of restaurants in Western Canada, is carrying one of the Galil wines labelled from Israel on its wine list. Despite several attempts to engage with their management on this issue (see letter below), they have not even acknowledged receiving our messages; rather, they have chosen to ignore the human rights principles at stake.… Read more