Saturday, February 23, 2019 at 2 PM – 4 PM
Room 7000 SFU Harbor Centre 515 West Hastings Street
The late Edward Said left an indelible mark on post-colonial studies with his book, “Orientalism” and taught generations to recognize the West’s constructions of its “other,” particularly in the Middle East and the Islamic world. As a Palestinian intellectual Said brought his anti-colonial critique to bear on what he called “The Question of Palestine,” revealing Zionism as a colonial ideology and the Western liberal support of this as a part of its colonial heritage.… Read more
Saturday, February 23, 2019 at 2 PM – 4 PM
Room 7000 SFU Harbor Centre 515 West Hastings Street
The late Edward Said left an indelible mark on post-colonial studies with his book, “Orientalism” and taught generations to recognize the West’s constructions of its “other,” particularly in the Middle East and the Islamic world. As a Palestinian intellectual Said brought his anti-colonial critique to bear on what he called “The Question of Palestine,” revealing Zionism as a colonial ideology and the Western liberal support of this as a part of its colonial heritage.… Read more
Check out our new video documenting 20 years of Vancouver activists coming out to protest the Jewish National Fund and its pivotal role in dispossessing the Palestinian people.
Check out our new video documenting 20 years of Vancouver activists coming out to protest the Jewish National Fund and its pivotal role in dispossessing the Palestinian people.
Vancouver Nakba Day 2018
Personal Testimony, Canadian Complicity
Full coverage of all testimony and speeches given at the May 15 picket outside the office of Canada’s “Justice Minister”. The jury assembled for the Peoples’ Trial unanimously delivered a guilty verdict which was then delivered by a delegation to the minister’s office. Thanks to our videographer, Devin Gillan.
Vancouver Nakba Day 2018
Personal Testimony, Canadian Complicity
Full coverage of all testimony and speeches given at the May 15 picket outside the office of Canada’s “Justice Minister”. The jury assembled for the Peoples’ Trial unanimously delivered a guilty verdict which was then delivered by a delegation to the minister’s office. Thanks to our videographer, Devin Gillan.
Monday. April 7, 2014, 7:00pm
Rm. 1700, SFU Harbour Centre, 515 W. Hastings
A live recording of the full speech Video clips of the speech
Free Admission
Dr. Mazin Qumsiyeh was born to a Palestinian Christian family near Bethlehem. As well as being Palestinian, he has U.S. citizenship and served on the faculty of both Duke and Yale Universities where he taught and did research in genetics before returning to Palestine to do the same work at Birzeit and Bethlehem Universities.… Read more
Monday. April 7, 2014, 7:00pm
Rm. 1700, SFU Harbour Centre, 515 W. Hastings
A live recording of the full speech Video clips of the speech
Free Admission
Dr. Mazin Qumsiyeh was born to a Palestinian Christian family near Bethlehem. As well as being Palestinian, he has U.S. citizenship and served on the faculty of both Duke and Yale Universities where he taught and did research in genetics before returning to Palestine to do the same work at Birzeit and Bethlehem Universities.… Read more