Mr. Baird: Stop Slandering Richard Falk

Dec. 20, 2013
Open letter to John Baird, Canadian Foreign Minister
Mr. Baird:
Your latest call for the removal of Richard Falk, the U.N. Special Rapporteur for the Palestinian Territories, smacks of hypocrisy and racism; it also exposes your (and your government’s) blind support for Israeli war crimes and Apartheid.
While your government officially claims that “Canada does not recognize permanent Israeli control over territories occupied in 1967 (the Golan Heights, the West Bank, East Jerusalem and the Gaza Strip)”, you are nonetheless supporting not only settlement building but also settlement products that are not exempt under the “Canada-Israel Free Trade Agreement (CIFTA)”.… Read more

Dec. 20, 2013
Open letter to John Baird, Canadian Foreign Minister
Mr. Baird:
Your latest call for the removal of Richard Falk, the U.N. Special Rapporteur for the Palestinian Territories, smacks of hypocrisy and racism; it also exposes your (and your government’s) blind support for Israeli war crimes and Apartheid.
While your government officially claims that “Canada does not recognize permanent Israeli control over territories occupied in 1967 (the Golan Heights, the West Bank, East Jerusalem and the Gaza Strip)”, you are nonetheless supporting not only settlement building but also settlement products that are not exempt under the “Canada-Israel Free Trade Agreement (CIFTA)”.… Read more

We Remember Nelson Mandela

December 7, 2013
Canada Palestine Association, Vancouver and the Voice of Palestine, Canada received the news of Nelson Mandela’s passing with great sadness and extend our deepest condolences to his family, the South African people and all of humanity. We have lost a unique and selfless leader who never wavered from his principles and never bowed to expediency in the most critical moments of the anti-Apartheid and anti-Colonialist struggles.
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December 7, 2013
Canada Palestine Association, Vancouver and the Voice of Palestine, Canada received the news of Nelson Mandela’s passing with great sadness and extend our deepest condolences to his family, the South African people and all of humanity. We have lost a unique and selfless leader who never wavered from his principles and never bowed to expediency in the most critical moments of the anti-Apartheid and anti-Colonialist struggles.
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Is Israel “the bulwark of democracy in the Middle East”?!

The following letter was sent to Elizabeth May, Leader of the Green Party of Canada, regarding her position on Israeli “democracy”.

Elizabeth May
Leader of the Green Party of Canada

You were quoted in the “Jewish Tribune” as saying that “Israel plays as the bulwark of democracy in the Middle East.” It seems to me that you “have not thought through the real politic of life in the Middle East” to quote you.… Read more

Why Our Politicians Are More Zionist Than Our Jews By Lenni Brenner


It doesn’t take divine inspiration to predict two topics that will be discussed in American media until election day. Mike Lupica told it like it is in the June 15 New York Daily News, “More money will be spent” in this election “than on any political campaign in world history.” The New York Times editorially rages against the Supreme Court’s Citizens United decision.… Read more

The Corries at International Day of Solidarity, 2003

International Day of Solidarity With the Palestinian People, 29 November 2003, Vancouver
Webcast from November 29, 2003 International Day of Solidarity With Palestine event in Vancouver, with parents of Rachel CorrieRead more

International Day of Solidarity With the Palestinian People, 29 November 2003, Vancouver
Webcast from November 29, 2003 International Day of Solidarity With Palestine event in Vancouver, with parents of Rachel CorrieRead more

Native Study Group on Indigenous and Palestinian Struggles

The Native Study Group, a member of the Third World Peoples’ Coalition, issued the following statement to mark the public event celebrating the 11th anniversary of the Palestinian revolution, held in Vancouver on Jan. 10, 1976. (The poster in the attached photo was done up for that event.)
Their insightful position is as relevant now, 45 years later, as it was then.… Read more

Palestine in Struggle: Volume 1, No. 1 – Sep. 1975

Canada-Palestine Solidarity Association (C.P.S.A.) was formed in Vancouver in the mid-seventies; as part of its solidarity work, the group published 6 issues of “Palestine in Struggle”. Following is the inaugural issue and also check out Vol.1, #5 here which details the visit of the PLO delegation to Habitat and the struggle against extradition of indigenous activist Leonard Peltier.

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