Do Not Fail the Palestinian People

An appeal from the Canada Palestine Association to all members of the Arab and Moslem communities

Since we distributed our position paper on Nov. 14, 2000 to the Arab and Moslem organizations, all we have received from these groups is silence or a whole range of excuses. For example, why we should not support the NDP because they are not “ an effective voice.”… Read more

Position Paper on Canadian Elections 2000


We, in the Canada Palestine Association, call on all Palestinian and Arab-Canadians, Moslem and Arab Christian-Canadians, and all our supporters, to cast a vote for justice for the Palestinian people by voting for the New Democratic Party (NDP) in the next federal election. The NDP is the only party that is supporting the legitimate rights of the Palestinian people.… Read more

US Arabs and Moslems Shoot Themselves in the Heart

By Hanna Kawas. A response to Arab and Moslem organizations in the U.S. who called for a block vote for George W. Bush during the last U.S. elections. Reply to cprr-news: Make Your Voice Heard in U.S. Elections! (see below)

We are outraged at your “analysis” and implied support for George Bush. The U.S. Republican platform is not any different from the Democrats in their unequivocal support for Israeli aggression and expansion (see ADC Election Update).… Read more

Questionnaire – Canadian Elections 2000

Fax: 604-588-7983


October 24, 2000

The dehumanization process that is now taking place in Canada, against the Arabs in general and the Palestinians in specific, greatly alarms us in the Palestinian-Canadian community. The official government pro-Israeli positions coupled by vicious media distortions of historic facts leaves us with a sense of frustration and anger.… Read more

Open Letter to Opposition Leader Stockwell Day

Dear Mr. Day:

We were outraged at the “Alliance” statement issued in your name and the name of the opposition Foreign Affairs critic Monte Solberg on Oct. 9, 2000, criticizing the Canadian Government for voting with UN Security Council Resolution 1322. Resolution 1322 condemned the “acts of violence, especially the excessive use of force against Palestinians, resulting in injury and loss of human life” during the last two weeks.… Read more

Open Letter to the B.C. Organization to Fight Racism (BCOFR) regarding the CJC

An open letter from CPA to the B.C. Organization to Fight Racism (BCOFR) regarding their relationship with the Zionist organization, the “Canadian Jewish Congress” (CJC).

Click on each image enlarge and view each page of the 4-page letter:

CPA sent an open letter to the BCOFR Executive Committee on the same subject prior to the November 18th, 1981 letter being issued:
Original letter to BCOFR EXECUTIVERead more