#PalestinianPrisonersDay: Ansar and the Israeli Jailer

Ansar: A Testament to the Ugly Brutality of the Israeli Jailer

By Marion Kawas

April 17th marks a special day in the Palestinian calendar, that of Palestinian Prisoners Day. This year it takes on even more importance as the more than 5000 Palestinian political prisoners are incarcerated with the added threat of the coronavirus (COVID-19) pandemic.

Palestinian prisoners have long played a unique role in the fabric of Palestinian society and its collective resistance.… Read more

Does the Israeli Military Censor impact our News?

By Hanna Kawas

This week marks the two-year anniversary of the Great Return March in Gaza. Two years since the people of Gaza came out in protest to highlight their right of return and right to live in dignity; thousands paid with their lives or limbs for this protest, be they journalists, medics or children. Coverage of the demonstrations in Canada, and in other Western countries, was skewed and predictably pro-Israel.… Read more

Action Alert: Demand that Canada pressure Israel to end the siege of Gaza!

Join us in calling on the Canadian Foreign Minister to pressure Israel to end the brutal siege of Gaza. Due to the Israeli blockade, Palestinians have few ventilators and even fewer ICU beds to deal with the COVID-19 crisis. 97% of Gaza’s water is contaminated. Now is the time for the Canadian government to break its deadly silence on Israel’s horrific crimes against the Palestinian people.… Read more

Virtual Days of Action: Support Palestine, End the Siege of Gaza, Boycott HP

March 28– 30

Due to the recent public health concerns, our event to support Palestine and to demand an end to the crippling siege on Gaza will become a social media action. Stay tuned to the FB Event Page for memes, twitter campaigns and other actions you can take between March 28-30th to show the Israeli government and the world that they will be held accountable for their war crimes!

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Maiming for Sport: Canada enables Israel’s War Crimes

Maiming Palestinians for Sport is a War Crime

By Marion Kawas

Published in Palestine Chronicle, March 10, 2020

The new Haaretz report entitled “42 Knees in One Day” is a difficult and painful read, and many people of conscience have responded with disgust and rage.

For those few who have not seen the report, it details in chilling fashion the accounts of 6 Israeli snipers who were stationed at the border with Gaza during the Great Return March protests.… Read more

Interviews on Jagmeet Singh statements at CIJA roundtable

Spice Radio: CPA chairperson Hanna Kawas exposes the fallacies in recent comments by NDP leader Jagmeet Singh on BDS and Palestine.

Jagmeet Singh and the NDP on the Wrong Path Forward on Palestine … Again


Will Jagmeet Singh’s double-talk alienate the NDP’s progressive base?

Under the Olive Tree (ckut.ca)
Interview with Hanna Kawas (CPA), Before and A:fter the elections: Jagmeet Singh’s double-talk

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Boycott Israeli Wine, Stand up for Palestine!!

New Video from Feb. 29th Action, FB Event Page

BDS activists were out leafleting on February 29, 2020 in Vancouver, to say Boycott Israeli Wines, and to tell consumers that both the Canadian and BC governments are complicit in Israeli war crimes against Palestinians. They are asking people to contact the BC Attorney General, David Eby (see below) to demand that BC Liquor Stores stop violating international law.… Read more

Indigenous solidarity: Sovereign Forever, Never Surrender!

New Article in Palestine Chronicle: Solidarity between Palestinians and Indigenous Activists has Deep Roots

Feb. 13, 2020: CPA-Vancouver was honoured to have the following message read out earlier today to the protestors occupying BC Attorney General David Eby’s office. #WetsuwetenStrong

We in the Canada Palestine Association bring greetings to this rally and express our total solidarity with indigenous rights and land Defenders.… Read more

Rally to support Palestine and reject Trump’s plan

Sunday Feb. 2, 2020 at 2:30 PM – 4 PM

Vancouver Art Gallery 750 Hornby Street, Vancouver, B.C/Robson St.

Facebook event (photos and videos of the rally now up on FB page)


The Trump Administration has just unveiled the details of its “Deal Of The Century”. This plan includes, but is not limited to:

-Giving legitimacy to illegal Israeli settlements in Palestine
-Annexing parts of the West Bank (including the Jordan Valley)
-Granting Palestinians a “state” made up of non-contiguous cantons similar to the Bantustans under apartheid in South Africa.… Read more