URGENT: Call to a RALLY in Vancouver

Date: Saturday, July 2nd, 2011
Time: 2:00pm
Location:CBC Plaza – In front of the CBC at Georgia and Hamilton)

Join our facebook event: http://www.facebook.com/event.php?eid=157942407612078

Authorities in Greece have stopped flotilla boats from sailing

Greek and Canadian governments complicit in Gaza blockade

You might have already heard the news coming from Greece that the Tahrir together with the US ship have been prevented from leaving the Greek port and that one Canadian has been threatened with being arrested.… Read more

Building Solidarity From South Africa to Palestine

Date: Sunday, May 29, 2011
Time: 7:00pm

Location: Maritime Labour Centre • 1880 Triumph Street, Vancouver (Victoria and Triumph, two blocks north of Hastings St.)
Admission: Free (donations appreciated to help cover costs of the tour)

A pan-Canadian trade union speaking tour featuring:

Dr. Amjad Barham
President, Palestinian Federation of Unions of University Professors
and Employees (PFUUPE)

Tahir Sema
National spokesperson, South African Union of Municipal Workers (SAMWU)

Panel facilitated by Deborah Bourque, Coordinator of Policy and

Planning for the Hospital Employees’ Union (HEU)

FREE PUBLIC EVENT, donations appreciated to help cover costs of the tour
(Free childcare on-site – call 604-779-7430.… Read more

Date: Sunday, May 29, 2011
Time: 7:00pm

Location: Maritime Labour Centre • 1880 Triumph Street, Vancouver (Victoria and Triumph, two blocks north of Hastings St.)
Admission: Free (donations appreciated to help cover costs of the tour)

A pan-Canadian trade union speaking tour featuring:

Dr. Amjad Barham
President, Palestinian Federation of Unions of University Professors
and Employees (PFUUPE)

Tahir Sema
National spokesperson, South African Union of Municipal Workers (SAMWU)

Panel facilitated by Deborah Bourque, Coordinator of Policy and

Planning for the Hospital Employees’ Union (HEU)

FREE PUBLIC EVENT, donations appreciated to help cover costs of the tour
(Free childcare on-site – call 604-779-7430.… Read more

Picket the JNF Dinner in Vancouver

Date: Thursday, June 16th, 2011
Time: 5:00pm
Location: Four Seasons Hotel Vancouver (W. Georgia and Howe)

NO to Dispossession of the Palestinians

Join the picket outside the “Jewish National Fund” (JNF) Negev Gala Dinner on June 16, 2011 at 5 pm at the Four Seasons Hotel in Vancouver (W. Georgia and Howe). The racist and discriminatory policies of the JNF have been well documented (http://www.stopthejnf.org/Read more

Date: Thursday, June 16th, 2011
Time: 5:00pm
Location: Four Seasons Hotel Vancouver (W. Georgia and Howe)

NO to Dispossession of the Palestinians

Join the picket outside the “Jewish National Fund” (JNF) Negev Gala Dinner on June 16, 2011 at 5 pm at the Four Seasons Hotel in Vancouver (W. Georgia and Howe). The racist and discriminatory policies of the JNF have been well documented (http://www.stopthejnf.org/Read more

May 15th: Vancouver Rally to Commemorate the Nakba

Date: Sunday, May 15
Time: 1:00pm – 4:00pm

Location: Vancouver Public Library (350 West Georgia Street)

On May 15, 1948 David Ben Gurion proclaimed the establishment of the state of Israel. This is day for the Palestinian people is know as the Nakba and every year since then, they’ve been commemorating it hoping that they would return to their homelands one day.… Read more

Date: Sunday, May 15
Time: 1:00pm – 4:00pm

Location: Vancouver Public Library (350 West Georgia Street)

On May 15, 1948 David Ben Gurion proclaimed the establishment of the state of Israel. This is day for the Palestinian people is know as the Nakba and every year since then, they’ve been commemorating it hoping that they would return to their homelands one day.… Read more

Canadian Boat to Gaza: A Fundraising Event

Date: Saturday, May 7th, 2011
Time: 7:00pm (Doors open at 6:30pm)

Location: Confederation Community Centre – 4585 Albert Street, Burnaby (Parking available, accessible by transit)
Admission: By donation

Help break the siege of Gaza!

with guest speaker Monzer Zimmo
Palestinian Canadian activist, born in Gaza, Palestine

Film and eye witness account with Kevin Neish
Human rights activist & survivor of the attack on the Mavi Marmara

Spoken word performances and music
Reception with refreshments and silent auction to follow

Admission by donation | Doors open 6:30pm
For more information: Irene @604-737-1299 | Mahmoud @604-366-4225

Canadaboatgaza.orgRead more

Date: Saturday, May 7th, 2011
Time: 7:00pm (Doors open at 6:30pm)

Location: Confederation Community Centre – 4585 Albert Street, Burnaby (Parking available, accessible by transit)
Admission: By donation

Help break the siege of Gaza!

with guest speaker Monzer Zimmo
Palestinian Canadian activist, born in Gaza, Palestine

Film and eye witness account with Kevin Neish
Human rights activist & survivor of the attack on the Mavi Marmara

Spoken word performances and music
Reception with refreshments and silent auction to follow

Admission by donation | Doors open 6:30pm
For more information: Irene @604-737-1299 | Mahmoud @604-366-4225

Canadaboatgaza.orgRead more

Fundraising event: Canadian Boat to Gaza

Date: Sunday, April 10th, 2011
Time: Presentation at 7:30pm. (Come for soup @6:45pm)

Location: Grandview Calvary Baptist Church 1803 East 1st Avenue

Special Guests

Kevin Neish: a survivor of the Israeli attack on the Mavi Marmara in May, 2010. He will share his experience through story and film.
Hanna Kawas: a Palestinian from Bethlehem who will provide us with the historical context of the Palestinian/Israeli conflict
Mahmoud Hmouz: A Palestinian refugee and local activist living in Canada who will share his perspective on the situation in Gaza today.… Read more

Date: Sunday, April 10th, 2011
Time: Presentation at 7:30pm. (Come for soup @6:45pm)

Location: Grandview Calvary Baptist Church 1803 East 1st Avenue

Special Guests

Kevin Neish: a survivor of the Israeli attack on the Mavi Marmara in May, 2010. He will share his experience through story and film.
Hanna Kawas: a Palestinian from Bethlehem who will provide us with the historical context of the Palestinian/Israeli conflict
Mahmoud Hmouz: A Palestinian refugee and local activist living in Canada who will share his perspective on the situation in Gaza today.… Read more

Cashing out from MEC

“The Global Educator”, the Journal of the British Columbia Teachers for Peace and Global Education Winter 2011 issue offers a variety of indepth articles, including the following one by Patrik Parkes on page 25. Please note that Patrik is not a member of the Canada Palestine Association but we are publishing his article on our site on his behalf. (http://pagebc.ca/documents/Winter_2011_Journal.pdfRead more

Egyptian Army Must Stop Being Israel’s Guards on Gaza Border

Canada Palestine Association, Vancouver and Voice of Palestine, Canada endorse the call by solidarity groups and civil society organizations to the Egyptian Military and government to immediately open the Rafah crossing. The crossing opening seems to be the last thing on the Egyptian military rulers’ agenda. Thousands of Palestinians are stranded at the Cairo airport, and all over the world. Some have gone on hunger strike and the last decision taken by the deposed Mubarak government was to ban Palestinians from entering Egypt.… Read more

Canada Palestine Association, Vancouver and Voice of Palestine, Canada endorse the call by solidarity groups and civil society organizations to the Egyptian Military and government to immediately open the Rafah crossing. The crossing opening seems to be the last thing on the Egyptian military rulers’ agenda. Thousands of Palestinians are stranded at the Cairo airport, and all over the world. Some have gone on hunger strike and the last decision taken by the deposed Mubarak government was to ban Palestinians from entering Egypt.… Read more

Fateh Leadership Betrays the Memory of Abu Ammar and Abu Jihad

Bring Their Murderers to Justice

While the people all over the Arab world are rising up against their U.S.-Israeli puppet regimes, the current Fateh leadership represented by the so-called Palestinian Authority (PA) is sending messages of support to these dictatorial regimes. The PA is also trying to prevent and suppress the Palestinian popular expression with the Tunisian and Egyptian uprising against these brutal dictatorships.… Read more

Bring Their Murderers to Justice

While the people all over the Arab world are rising up against their U.S.-Israeli puppet regimes, the current Fateh leadership represented by the so-called Palestinian Authority (PA) is sending messages of support to these dictatorial regimes. The PA is also trying to prevent and suppress the Palestinian popular expression with the Tunisian and Egyptian uprising against these brutal dictatorships.… Read more

Bring Ben Ali and his Police and Intelligence Officers to Justice

By Hanna Kawas. A letter to the Tunisian Ambassador to Canada regarding the Murder of Palestinian Leader Abu Jihad.

Tunisian Ambassador to Canada
Mouldi Sakri

Dear Ambassador:

We in the Canada Palestine Association, Vancouver, would like to request that your government charge the former president of Tunisia Zine El Abidin Ben Ali, his police and intelligence officers, with complicity in the murder of the beloved Palestinian leader Khalil El Wazir (Abu Jihad) in Tunis by an Israeli death squad on April 16, 1988.… Read more

By Hanna Kawas. A letter to the Tunisian Ambassador to Canada regarding the Murder of Palestinian Leader Abu Jihad.

Tunisian Ambassador to Canada
Mouldi Sakri

Dear Ambassador:

We in the Canada Palestine Association, Vancouver, would like to request that your government charge the former president of Tunisia Zine El Abidin Ben Ali, his police and intelligence officers, with complicity in the murder of the beloved Palestinian leader Khalil El Wazir (Abu Jihad) in Tunis by an Israeli death squad on April 16, 1988.… Read more