Canada’s Anti-Palestinian Racism Evident at the UN

Canada Palestine Association has compiled a comprehensive look at the U.N. voting pattern of Canada from 2013-2018. This pattern, which was identical under both the Harper and Trudeau governments, highlights the anti-Palestinian racism in Canadian foreign policy. The new analysis details 16 U.N. resolutions on Palestine and the Arab world, and the respective votes from Canada that are overwhelmingly against with a few abstentions.… Read more

The NDP responds to I Vote Palestine questions

Text version of the New Democratic Party NDP response to the I Vote Palestine letter with the nine questions sent by CPA (in the name of 21 organizations) to all party leaders.

Oct. 8, 2019
NDP Response: Canada Palestine Association

We stand for freedom, justice and equality for the Palestinian people, and
we ask you to clarify where you and your party stand on the following:

* Do you support Palestinian human and national rights including the inalienable right to self-determination?… Read more

Canada’s Betrayal of the Palestinian Refugees

We will Regain our Rights
“We Will Regain Our Rights”

By: Hanna Kawas

Zionism is a settler colonialist movement that not only committed genocide against the indigenous people of Palestine, it also uprooted them from their homeland.

My experience as a Palestinian refugee started when I was in my mother’s womb, as Zionist terrorist groups chased my parents out of Yafa (Jaffa) in 1948 where my father was working and my mom was about to deliver their first child.… Read more

Canada’s Shameful Record on Palestinian Refugees

Canadian Voting Pattern on Palestinian Refugees by the Harper and Trudeau Governments at the UN 2013-2018
Organized by subject heading

Assistance to Palestine refugees

Canadian vote at the UN (under Harper)
A/RES/68/76 (2013), 173 in favour to 1 against ( Israel) with 8 abstentions including Canada
A/RES/69/86 (2014), 163 in favour to 1 against (Israel) with 10 abstentions including Canada

Canadian vote at the UN (under Trudeau)
A/RES/70/83 (2015), 167 in favour to 1 against (Israel) with 11 abstentions including Canada
A/RES/71/91 (2016), 167 in favour to 1 against (Israel) with 9 abstentions including Canada
A/RES/72/80 (2017), 162 in favour to 1 against (Israel) with 12 abstentions including Canada
A/RES/73/92 (2018), 163 in favour to 2 against (Israel, United States) with 13 abstentions including Canada

Persons displaced as a result of the June 1967 and subsequent hostilities

Canadian vote at the UN (under Harper)
A/RES/68/77 (2013), 170 in favour to 6 against including Canada with 6 abstentions
A/RES/69/87 (2014), 165 in favour to 7 against including Canada with 6 abstention

Canadian vote at the UN (under Trudeau)
A/RES/70/84 (2015), 164 in favour to 7 against including Canada with 7 abstentions
A/RES/71/92 (2016), 166 in favour to 6 against including Canada with 6 abstentions
A/RES/72/81 (2017), 158 in favour to 7 against including Canada with 10 abstentions
A/RES/73/93 (2018), 155 in favour to 6 against including Canada with 13 abstentions

Operations of the United Nations Relief and Works Agency for Palestine Refugees in the Near East

Canadian vote at the UN (under Harper)
A/RES/68/78 (2013), 170 in favour to 6 against including Canada with 6 abstentions
A/RES/69/88 (2014), 166 in favour to 6 against including Canada with 6 abstentions

Canadian vote at the UN (under Trudeau)
A/RES/70/85 (2015), 169 in favour to 6 against including Canada with 5 abstentions
A/RES/71/93 (2016), 167 votes in favour to 6 against including Canada with 5 abstentions
A/RES/72/82 (2017), 162 in favour to 6 against including Canada with 7 abstentions
A/RES/73/94 (2018), 159 in favour to 5 against including Canada with 12 abstentions

Palestine refugees’ properties and their revenues

Canadian vote at the UN (under Harper)
A/RES/68/79 (2013), 172 in favour to 6 against including Canada with 5 abstentions
A/RES/69/89 (2014), 165 in favour to 7 against including Canada with 6 abstentions

Canadian vote at the UN (under Trudeau)
A/RES/70/86 (2015), 167 in favour to 7 against including Canada with 4 abstentions
A/RES/71/94 (2016), 165 in favour to 7 against including Canada with 5 abstentions
A/RES/72/83 (2017), 159 in favour to 7 against including Canada with 9 abstentions
A/RES/73/95 (2018), 156 in favour to 6 against including Canada with 14 abstentions… Read more

I Vote Palestine #IVotePalestine

Facebook Event

Original Statement
Canada Palestine Association encourages all parties, unions, churches and organizations that support the nine basic demands in our campaign to add your names as official endorsers.

If you are a Canadian voter and agree with the event objectives, please mark yourself on the Facebook event as “Going”. Other supporters please mark yourselves as “Interested”.… Read more

Facebook Event

Original Statement
Canada Palestine Association encourages all parties, unions, churches and organizations that support the nine basic demands in our campaign to add your names as official endorsers.

If you are a Canadian voter and agree with the event objectives, please mark yourself on the Facebook event as “Going”. Other supporters please mark yourselves as “Interested”.… Read more

Bruce Katz: “On the False Notion of anti-Semitism”

This is the presentation given by Bruce Katz at the CISO (Centre International de Solidarité Ouvrière) at the Symposium on Palestinian Self-Determination held in Montreal from November 29th to December 1st, 2018. Translated from the original French.
CISO Symposium on Palestinian Self-Determination

‘On the false notion of anti-Semitism’
Bruce Katz
Palestinian and Jewish Unity

My presentation is divided into three parts: first, a brief overview of the dialectic formed by Zionism and anti-Semitism, because far from being opposing forces, the two have traveled together since the beginning of Zionism.… Read more

Open Letter to Toronto Raptors

Articles on the Raptors campaign:
Please #SkipTheTrip to Israel, Toronto Raptors
Toronto Raptors: Please #SkipTheTrip to Israel
Sports-washing and the Toronto Raptors

Open Letter to Toronto Raptors:
“Please take this opportunity to stand with Palestinians in their struggle for freedom..”

June 15, 2019
Dear Toronto Raptors,

We are writing to you as long-time fans to urge you to uphold Palestinian human rights and not to travel to Israel.… Read more

Articles on the Raptors campaign:
Please #SkipTheTrip to Israel, Toronto Raptors
Toronto Raptors: Please #SkipTheTrip to Israel
Sports-washing and the Toronto Raptors

Open Letter to Toronto Raptors:
“Please take this opportunity to stand with Palestinians in their struggle for freedom..”

June 15, 2019
Dear Toronto Raptors,

We are writing to you as long-time fans to urge you to uphold Palestinian human rights and not to travel to Israel.… Read more

Picket the Vancouver JNF Gala – April 14, 2019

New article with video highlights on this successful picket.

#StoptheJNF: No Tax Breaks for Apartheid! (VIDEO)

Photo by Rehab Nazzal, June 2015

Mark the date — Sunday, April 14, 2019, 4:30 pm
Outside Congregation Schara Tzedeck
3476 Oak St., Vancouver (gather SW corner Oak and 19th)
Facebook Event

Once again this year, Vancouver activists are issuing a callout to protest the fund raising gala of the Jewish National Fund.… Read more

New article with video highlights on this successful picket.

#StoptheJNF: No Tax Breaks for Apartheid! (VIDEO)

Photo by Rehab Nazzal, June 2015

Mark the date — Sunday, April 14, 2019, 4:30 pm
Outside Congregation Schara Tzedeck
3476 Oak St., Vancouver (gather SW corner Oak and 19th)
Facebook Event

Once again this year, Vancouver activists are issuing a callout to protest the fund raising gala of the Jewish National Fund.… Read more

Book launch: “Culture and Resistance” by Edward Said and David Barsamian

A painting depicting Edward Said

Saturday, February 23, 2019 at 2 PM – 4 PM
Room 7000 SFU Harbor Centre 515 West Hastings Street

The late Edward Said left an indelible mark on post-colonial studies with his book, “Orientalism” and taught generations to recognize the West’s constructions of its “other,” particularly in the Middle East and the Islamic world. As a Palestinian intellectual Said brought his anti-colonial critique to bear on what he called “The Question of Palestine,” revealing Zionism as a colonial ideology and the Western liberal support of this as a part of its colonial heritage.… Read more

A painting depicting Edward Said

Saturday, February 23, 2019 at 2 PM – 4 PM
Room 7000 SFU Harbor Centre 515 West Hastings Street

The late Edward Said left an indelible mark on post-colonial studies with his book, “Orientalism” and taught generations to recognize the West’s constructions of its “other,” particularly in the Middle East and the Islamic world. As a Palestinian intellectual Said brought his anti-colonial critique to bear on what he called “The Question of Palestine,” revealing Zionism as a colonial ideology and the Western liberal support of this as a part of its colonial heritage.… Read more

Open Letter to Government of Canada, Cities of Vancouver and Montreal re CanaDanse Festival in Israel

New Article in Palestine Chronicle on updates for Ballet BC campaign.

The Canadian BDS Coalition sent the following letter on December 18, 2018 to:

Pablo Rodriquez, Federal Minister of Heritage
Ambassador Deborah Lyons, Canadian Ambassador to Israel
Kennedy Stewart, Mayor of Vancouver
Valérie Plante, Mayor of Montreal


Open Letter from Canadian BDS Coalition to Government of Canada, Cities of Vancouver and Montreal

We have become aware that you are listed as one of the official sponsors of the CanaDanse Festival, being held in Israel in January 2019.… Read more

New Article in Palestine Chronicle on updates for Ballet BC campaign.

The Canadian BDS Coalition sent the following letter on December 18, 2018 to:

Pablo Rodriquez, Federal Minister of Heritage
Ambassador Deborah Lyons, Canadian Ambassador to Israel
Kennedy Stewart, Mayor of Vancouver
Valérie Plante, Mayor of Montreal


Open Letter from Canadian BDS Coalition to Government of Canada, Cities of Vancouver and Montreal

We have become aware that you are listed as one of the official sponsors of the CanaDanse Festival, being held in Israel in January 2019.… Read more