Letter (1) to the Editor of the Westender, regarding anti-Palestinian letters

By Hanna Kawas. The following letter was published in Vancouver’s Westender, in the April 24-30, 2003 issue, in response to “Taking issue with ISM activists”, letters published in the Westender (April 17-23, 2003 issue)

The Letters published in the Westender (April 17-23 issue), under the title “Taking issue with ISM activists”, are an attempt to divert attention away from the real issues at stake, one of which is Israeli warcrimes against the Palestinians (see Amnesty International report at www.amnesty.org,… Read more

“Dr. Mate reveals a rare courage”, letter to the Editor of the Westender

By Gary Keenan. The following letter was published in Vancouver’s Westender, in the March 20-26, 2003 issue in response to Reply to “‘Urban Legend in his own mind only,” a letter from Dr. Moishe Golubchuk (Mar. 13-19, 2003).

Other than revealing his ignorance, Dr. Moishe Golubchuk’s ad hominem attack against Dr. Gabor Mate’ (who appeared as an Urban Legend in the Feb.… Read more

“Is it Liberalism or Normalization?”, a letter to Al Shurouq

By Hanna Kawas

The Al Shorouq newspaper, in its last two issues, carried a letter from Jack Chivo (an extreme Zionist supremacist), an advertisement for an event for the Canadian Jewish Congress (CJC), a full report in the second issue about this same event and then publicized another event for the so-called secular “Peretz Center”. With this pretense at objectivity, Al Shorouq has regrettably fallen into the trap of endorsing what the Zionists say, what they do and what they promote.… Read more

Boycott the Vancouver Sun and the National Post, letter to supporters of the Palestinian people

By Hanna Kawas. An appeal to the supporters of the Palestinian people to boycott the National Post and the Vancouver Sun for their biased reporting (see below), August 2001

Dear friends of the Palestinian people:

The National Post published on July 30, 2001 an editorial under the title “Anti-racism, in name only”. The Vancouver Sun on July 31, 2001 reprinted the same editorial as a “Guest Editorial” under the title “The West should shun conferences where the racism deck is stacked”.… Read more