New Art Exhibit on Gaza coming to Vancouver

“On Borrowed Time in Gaza: Art in Confinement”
Drawings and Paintings by Palestinian, Gaza based artists: Majdal Nateel, Maisara Baroud, Maha Daya, Mohammed Alhaj, Rufida Sehwail, Ganem Alden

Mónica Reyes Gallery
602 East Hastings (at Princess), Vancouver
Wednesday November 24 to Saturday November 27, 2021.
Hours: 12 to 5pm
Closing reception and walkthrough: Saturday November 27 at 1:00pm
Facebook Event: more

Free Georges Abdallah! Free Palestine Protest in Vancouver!

Saturday, Oct. 16, 2 pm – French Consulate, 1130 W. Pender

Georges Abdallah, Lebanese Communist and struggler for Palestine, has been imprisoned in French jails for nearly 37 years, despite being eligible for release since 1999.Even when he has obtained rulings for his freedom through judicial processes, the highest levels of the French state — amid U.S. and Israeli pressure — have blocked his return to his homeland, Lebanon.Georges… Read more

Palestine Action Week in Vancouver

Please join the Palestine Action Week! Organizations are coming together to hold a series of online events as well as an in-person Boycott Tour march for Palestine in downtown Vancouver on Wednesday, 6 October! At the SFU and UBC campuses, watch all week for Palestine Stands with flags, information and material. Join the five days of collective action in solidarity with Palestinians and their fight for liberation, and against settler-colonialism, apartheid, and imperialist violence.… Read more

#BoycottPuma Picket in Vancouver

(Vancouver activists came out in heavy rain to say #BoycottPuma, Support Palestinian Prisoners)

Detailed report on the Sept. 17th Picket: Vancouver protesters #BoycottPuma and support Palestinian prisoners’ struggle for freedom (

Over 1k sign the petition in Canada calling for Puma to end its sponsorship of the Israel Football Association.


Friday, September 17 at 5 pm
Outside Sport Chek, 788 Robson St.… Read more

Canada’s Complicity in Palestinian Dispossession

Message from Peace Alliance Winnipeg:

“Last Saturday, Hanna Kawas, of the Canada Palestine Association, gave an informative presentation on the struggles of Palestinians for liberation and the obstacles placed in their way by Canada. Unfortunately, the presentation was “zoom-bombed” with pornographic images by people who wished to disrupt the webinar.

We had to cancel the session and restart it to get rid of the people who were trying to prevent Hanna from speaking.… Read more

Aug. 14 Webinar: Canada’s Complicity in Palestinian Dispossession

Hanna Kawas discusses Canada’s complicity in Palestinian dispossession and how it enables settler colonialism at home and abroad.
Hanna Kawas is a Palestinian activist, writer, and journalist who was born in Bethlehem, Palestine. He is the chairperson of the Canada Palestine Association ( and was cohost of Voice of Palestine (; he has been active in anti-war struggles and support work for liberation movements.… Read more

Palestine Solidarity: An Inter-Generational Dialogue

Tuesday, August 3 –
4 pm Pacific, 7 pm Eastern

A moderated, dynamic and inter-generational discussion of the history, current challenges and prospects for the Palestine solidarity movement in Canada.

Speakers: Hanna Kawas (Canada Palestine Association); Charlotte Kates (Samidoun); Bruce Katz (Palestinian and Jewish Unity); Moe Alqasem (Palestinian Youth Movement); Aiyanas Ormond (BDS Vancouver – Moderator)

Organized by Canada Palestine Association and BDS Vancouver – Coast Salish Territories.… Read more

Boycott Tour, July 18, Vancouver

Report on the Boycott Tour from Samidoun.

Come out on Sunday, July 18 for a BOYCOTT TOUR for Palestine in downtown Vancouver! We will gather first at the ZIM Shipping offices in Vancouver to protest ZIM, apartheid Israel’s oldest and largest shipping company. ZIM is the target of the global #BlockTheBoat campaign and this protest is in solidarity with workers around the world (and in Prince Rupert) who have respected community pickets and/or themselves refused to handle ZIM’s cargo profiteering from Israeli occupation.We… Read more

Letter to Transport Minister Omar Alghabra: Israeli Apartheid Not Welcome in Canadian Ports #BlocktheBoat

(The following letter was sent to Canada’s Transport Minister Omar Alghabra and called on “the Canadian government to stop legitimizing the crimes of apartheid…and suspend all instances of Zim-operated ships docking and unloading in Canadian ports.”. This action is part of the growing demand that Canada must hold Israel accountable, through economic sanctions and a bilateral arms embargo.)
Letter pulished in Mondoweiss.Read more