Does Paul Dewar speak in your names?‏

The following email was sent to all NDP Members of Parliament on Jan. 14, 2014

NDP Members of Parliament:

Did you mourn the death of the WAR criminal Ariel Sharon? Did you or your parents mourn the death of HITLER? Does Paul Dewar really speak in your names?
Statement by Official Opposition Foreign Affairs Critic Paul Dewar on the death of Ariel Sharon “On behalf of all New Democrats, I want to express my sincere condolences to Ariel Sharon’s family and the people of Israel as they mourn their loss.”… Read more

Canada’s Shameful Record on Palestine

Canada’s Record at the UN General Assembly 2013:
17 Votes Against the Palestinian and Arab Peoples, And In Support of Israel Aggression and Apartheid

Canada’s voting pattern at the United Nations shows that the current government blindly and unconditionally supports Israel’s position, even when it is in contradiction with officially stated Canadian policies. The most recent UN General Assembly voting record of Canadian representatives demonstrated the shameful and biased positions of the Canadian Government that fly in the face of international humanitarian law and the Fourth Geneva Convention.… Read more

Canada’s Record at the UN General Assembly 2013:
17 Votes Against the Palestinian and Arab Peoples, And In Support of Israel Aggression and Apartheid

Canada’s voting pattern at the United Nations shows that the current government blindly and unconditionally supports Israel’s position, even when it is in contradiction with officially stated Canadian policies. The most recent UN General Assembly voting record of Canadian representatives demonstrated the shameful and biased positions of the Canadian Government that fly in the face of international humanitarian law and the Fourth Geneva Convention.… Read more

Mr. Baird: Stop Slandering Richard Falk

Dec. 20, 2013
Open letter to John Baird, Canadian Foreign Minister
Mr. Baird:
Your latest call for the removal of Richard Falk, the U.N. Special Rapporteur for the Palestinian Territories, smacks of hypocrisy and racism; it also exposes your (and your government’s) blind support for Israeli war crimes and Apartheid.
While your government officially claims that “Canada does not recognize permanent Israeli control over territories occupied in 1967 (the Golan Heights, the West Bank, East Jerusalem and the Gaza Strip)”, you are nonetheless supporting not only settlement building but also settlement products that are not exempt under the “Canada-Israel Free Trade Agreement (CIFTA)”.… Read more

Dec. 20, 2013
Open letter to John Baird, Canadian Foreign Minister
Mr. Baird:
Your latest call for the removal of Richard Falk, the U.N. Special Rapporteur for the Palestinian Territories, smacks of hypocrisy and racism; it also exposes your (and your government’s) blind support for Israeli war crimes and Apartheid.
While your government officially claims that “Canada does not recognize permanent Israeli control over territories occupied in 1967 (the Golan Heights, the West Bank, East Jerusalem and the Gaza Strip)”, you are nonetheless supporting not only settlement building but also settlement products that are not exempt under the “Canada-Israel Free Trade Agreement (CIFTA)”.… Read more

The Bankruptcy of the US Empire…and the PA

The Bankruptcy of the US Empire Displayed in a Keynote Address by US Secretary of State John Kerry to the Saban Forum.
In the speech Dec. 7, 2013, Kerry described the US as “the honest broker”. However, in explaining his own record as just such an “honest broker”, he stated: “I have spent almost 30 years in the United States Senate, and I’m proud of my 100 percent voting record for Israel”.… Read more

The Bankruptcy of the US Empire Displayed in a Keynote Address by US Secretary of State John Kerry to the Saban Forum.
In the speech Dec. 7, 2013, Kerry described the US as “the honest broker”. However, in explaining his own record as just such an “honest broker”, he stated: “I have spent almost 30 years in the United States Senate, and I’m proud of my 100 percent voting record for Israel”.… Read more

We Remember Nelson Mandela

December 7, 2013
Canada Palestine Association, Vancouver and the Voice of Palestine, Canada received the news of Nelson Mandela’s passing with great sadness and extend our deepest condolences to his family, the South African people and all of humanity. We have lost a unique and selfless leader who never wavered from his principles and never bowed to expediency in the most critical moments of the anti-Apartheid and anti-Colonialist struggles.
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December 7, 2013
Canada Palestine Association, Vancouver and the Voice of Palestine, Canada received the news of Nelson Mandela’s passing with great sadness and extend our deepest condolences to his family, the South African people and all of humanity. We have lost a unique and selfless leader who never wavered from his principles and never bowed to expediency in the most critical moments of the anti-Apartheid and anti-Colonialist struggles.
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“Thomas Mulcair showed he gets it”!!!

The following email was sent on Dec.4, 2013 to NDP MPs and Party Officials:

Please stop pandering to the pro-Israel lobby, you will never win their vote. Instead, you are losing the progressive vote, your pride and your humanity.

Hanna Kawas


Nov. 22, 2013
NDP solidly supports Israel
Editorial by: (“Jewish Independent”)
We call it the “kishkes” question. Any politician can mouth platitudes that sound good to Jewish voters.… Read more

Is Israel “the bulwark of democracy in the Middle East”?!

The following letter was sent to Elizabeth May, Leader of the Green Party of Canada, regarding her position on Israeli “democracy”.

Elizabeth May
Leader of the Green Party of Canada

You were quoted in the “Jewish Tribune” as saying that “Israel plays as the bulwark of democracy in the Middle East.” It seems to me that you “have not thought through the real politic of life in the Middle East” to quote you.… Read more

Statement on Syria

No to US-led intervention in Syria
April 21, 2013 – Canada Palestine Association-Vancouver is alarmed by the escalating violence in Syria and the huge toll on the Syrian civilian population and we feel compelled to speak out. The increasing threat of foreign military intervention will only exacerbate this suffering and could well begin a wider war. We believe that the Syrian people are the only party to decide who should lead them, and outside intervention should be condemned.… Read more

No to US-led intervention in Syria
April 21, 2013 – Canada Palestine Association-Vancouver is alarmed by the escalating violence in Syria and the huge toll on the Syrian civilian population and we feel compelled to speak out. The increasing threat of foreign military intervention will only exacerbate this suffering and could well begin a wider war. We believe that the Syrian people are the only party to decide who should lead them, and outside intervention should be condemned.… Read more

We Lost “Splitting the Sky”, a Mohawk Warrior and Activist

Canada Palestine Association is deeply saddened by the recent passing of Mohawk warrior and indigenous activist Splitting the Sky (John Boncore). The Palestinian people are indebted to Splitting the Sky for his enduring resistance and uncompromising anti-colonial positions, as well as his long time support of the Palestinian struggle. He was an early member of the American Indian Movement and also attempted a citizen’s arrest of U.S.… Read more

Canada Palestine Association is deeply saddened by the recent passing of Mohawk warrior and indigenous activist Splitting the Sky (John Boncore). The Palestinian people are indebted to Splitting the Sky for his enduring resistance and uncompromising anti-colonial positions, as well as his long time support of the Palestinian struggle. He was an early member of the American Indian Movement and also attempted a citizen’s arrest of U.S.… Read more

Sincere Condolences on the Passing of the Great Leader Hugo Chávez‏

Canada Palestine Association and Voice of Palestine Statement On the Passing of Hugo Chávez

To Merli Vanegas:
Consul General of the Bolivarian Republic of Venezuela in Vancouver

Dear Merli Vanegas,

We were deeply saddened by the news of the passing of the great revolutionary leader Hugo Chávez.
In the name of Canada Palestine Association and Voice of Palestine, Canada, we send our sincere condolences to you, to the Bolivarian revolutionaries and to the Venezuelan people.… Read more

Canada Palestine Association and Voice of Palestine Statement On the Passing of Hugo Chávez

To Merli Vanegas:
Consul General of the Bolivarian Republic of Venezuela in Vancouver

Dear Merli Vanegas,

We were deeply saddened by the news of the passing of the great revolutionary leader Hugo Chávez.
In the name of Canada Palestine Association and Voice of Palestine, Canada, we send our sincere condolences to you, to the Bolivarian revolutionaries and to the Venezuelan people.… Read more