Open Letter to Don Davies, NDP MP for Vancouver Kingsway
Mr. Davies:
We were shocked and disappointed when we saw an ad for you in the regional Zionist paper “Jewish Independent” Dec. 7, 2012 (page 28) where you sent your “Best wishes to all members of the Jewish Community and Happy Chanukah”. You were the only NDP MP to do so, in the company of ads from the pro-Israeli advocacy organization “Centre for Israel and Jewish Affairs” (CIJA), the racist “Jewish National Fund”, Liberal MP Joyce Murray, BC Premier Christy Clark, and finally, a full back-page colour ad from Stephen Harper and all his MP cronies in BC.… Read more
Open Letter to Don Davies, NDP MP for Vancouver Kingsway
Mr. Davies:
We were shocked and disappointed when we saw an ad for you in the regional Zionist paper “Jewish Independent” Dec. 7, 2012 (page 28) where you sent your “Best wishes to all members of the Jewish Community and Happy Chanukah”. You were the only NDP MP to do so, in the company of ads from the pro-Israeli advocacy organization “Centre for Israel and Jewish Affairs” (CIJA), the racist “Jewish National Fund”, Liberal MP Joyce Murray, BC Premier Christy Clark, and finally, a full back-page colour ad from Stephen Harper and all his MP cronies in BC.… Read more
Native American poet and musician Joy Harjo is scheduled to perform at Tel Aviv University on Monday, December 10. SIGN HERE TO ASK THAT SHE HONOR THE INTERNATIONAL ACADEMIC AND CULTURAL BOYCOTT OF ISRAEL.
It’s time to take a principled stance in support of Palestinian human rights being violated by the Israeli state’s colonial occupation and apartheid regime.… Read more
Voice of Palestine Exits Coop Radio after 25 Years
Plans for Internet-only Show
August 15, 2012
Dear Friends:
On September 4, 2012, Voice of Palestine VOP radio show in Vancouver, Canada will mark a quarter century of broadcasting at Vancouver Coop Radio, 102.7 FM. We are extremely proud of the show’s history and our long contribution in bringing the Palestinian narrative to a broader audience.… Read more
The following is a statement issued by the Canada Palestine Association, Vancouver.
We hope you support this campaign and will consider endorsing it.
All endorsements should be sent to [email protected] and will be noted on our website.
Thank you.
Jim Pattison Supports Israeli Apartheid and Ethnic Cleansing of Palestinians
March 9, 2012 – Canada Palestine Association calls on all supporters of the Palestinian peoples struggle to boycott Jim Pattison and his business empire.… Read more
The following is a statement issued by the Canada Palestine Association, Vancouver.
We hope you support this campaign and will consider endorsing it.
All endorsements should be sent to [email protected] and will be noted on our website.
Thank you.
Jim Pattison Supports Israeli Apartheid and Ethnic Cleansing of Palestinians
March 9, 2012 – Canada Palestine Association calls on all supporters of the Palestinian peoples struggle to boycott Jim Pattison and his business empire.… Read more
Dec. 1, 2011
Dear Friends and Supporters:
The Voice of Palestine (VOP) Collective brought two motions to Vancouver Coop Radio AGM on Nov. 27/11. We regret to inform you that both were defeated; we will be issuing a more detailed statement later, but here is a brief summary of what transpired.
The first motion was calling for an investigation into the secrecy around Coop’s recent “frequency swap” deal with Jim Pattison Industries; although we felt this was crucial to the future democratic health of the station, it was not something the majority of members supported.… Read more
Below is a letter Canada Palestine Association sent to the CEO and President of Canadian Tire regarding their carrying Israeli products, including those from illegal settlements. CPA is calling on supporters and friends to boycott all Canadian Tire outlets and to cancel their Canadian Tire credit cards. Please go to this link at the CJPME website and add your voice to telling Canadian Tire officials that we will not engage in “business as usual” with such unethical practices.… Read more
Below is a letter Canada Palestine Association sent to the CEO and President of Canadian Tire regarding their carrying Israeli products, including those from illegal settlements. CPA is calling on supporters and friends to boycott all Canadian Tire outlets and to cancel their Canadian Tire credit cards. Please go to this link at the CJPME website and add your voice to telling Canadian Tire officials that we will not engage in “business as usual” with such unethical practices.… Read more
“The Global Educator”, the Journal of the British Columbia Teachers for Peace and Global Education Winter 2011 issue offers a variety of indepth articles, including the following one by Patrik Parkes on page 25. Please note that Patrik is not a member of the Canada Palestine Association but we are publishing his article on our site on his behalf. (… Read more
Hey MEC, you can’t hide – we know you’re supporting apartheid!!
On Nov. 27, 2010, activists in Vancouver held a picket to boycott Mountain Equipment Coop MEC due to its insistence on partnering with an Israeli company that has ties to the Israeli military industry. The picket was part of local activities to mark the Int’l Day of Solidarity with the Palestinians.… Read more
Hey MEC, you can’t hide – we know you’re supporting apartheid!!
On Nov. 27, 2010, activists in Vancouver held a picket to boycott Mountain Equipment Coop MEC due to its insistence on partnering with an Israeli company that has ties to the Israeli military industry. The picket was part of local activities to mark the Int’l Day of Solidarity with the Palestinians.… Read more
The following letter was sent by Mavi Marmara survivor Kevin Neish to Mountain Equipment Coop (MEC). Please note that Kevin is not a member of the Canada Palestine Association but we are publishing his letter on our site on his behalf.
Dear MEC Board,
My name is Kevin Neish and I’m a MEC member. I was on board the humanitarian aid ship the Mavi Marmara when it was assaulted by Israeli commandos on May 31st 2010.… Read more
Boycott Picket
Date: Saturday, November 27th, 2010
Time: 2:00pm
Location: Mountain Equipment Co-op (MEC) store in Vancouver (130 W. Broadway)
Facebook Event Link:!/event.php?eid=168269389865850
Boycott MEC Facebook Group:!/group.php?gid=113406218712252… Read more