Once again, a federal election is looming. And again, the same cycle will be repeated of many activists busying themselves with the allure of impacting politicians. We will be told that we must engage in this important work, even donate money for it, as it will be critical to advancing the cause of Palestine. But is it? And does all this “busy work” actually result in any substantial change?
Not that there isn’t an educational value in such campaigns but only if they advance clear and principled demands, not peddle merely what seems “popular” or “achievable”. Politicians must be shamed and exposed for their complicity in Israel’s genocide of Palestinians, and there is a long history of such complicity amongst Canadian politicians from all the major parties.
Some may give lip service to certain nice-sounding phrases, especially during election time, but are they to be trusted to follow through if elected? The record would indicate otherwise.
The appeal of course is that for a short time, especially in the current horrific landscape, you feel that you are “doing something”. But is this “something” distracting from other more long-term organizing that might not be as flashy or immediate, but more productive? Not just that, but do we send the wrong message that meeting these limited demands will lead to the liberation of Palestine?
Firstly, only the resistance of the Palestinian people will guarantee the liberation of Palestine. We have an important role to play in diaspora, but we are not the leading nor the deciding factor. To pretend otherwise is disingenuous and misleading.
Secondly, we must not allow ourselves to avoid the hard questions during election cycles. For example, the NDP proudly says they would call for a ban on Israeli settlement products. But would they? When given a chance to do something as the government in BC, did they make any moves to ban Israeli Wines? No! Even though the same BCNDP government showed it was ready to act on its own to ban both Russian and US red state liquor products, ahead of federal directives. We can’t allow politicians to spout certain positions without challenging them on what they’ve actually done, or not done.
Let’s be realistic about our politicians and not waste time on calling for hollow, performative gestures that mean nothing even if they were attainable. Enough of emphasizing the defunct and bankrupt “two-state” solution, and calling for recognition of “the (non-existent) Palestinian state” under the no-authority “Palestinian Authority”.
Let us imagine a future of liberation, free from Zionist and colonial restrictions. Anything less is a betrayal of the Palestinian people and their huge sacrifice!
Engaging in electoral politics must not mean advocating for watered-down compromised demands. Make our demands count…for Palestine, for return, for liberation.
From the river to the sea, Palestine will be free!