Entitled Palestine: Memory, Inequality & Power, Alternative Radio has waived the fees for our supporters to download and listen to this show highlighting a 2003 lecture by Edward Said. This never-before-broadcast marks the 30th anniversary of Oslo and the 20th anniversary of Edward Said’s death on September 25, 2003.
As a Palestinian intellectual, Said brought his anti-colonial critique to bear on what he called “The Question of Palestine,” revealing Zionism as a colonial ideology and the Western liberal support of this as a part of its colonial heritage. He was one of the first to publicly criticize the Oslo Accords and said one month after the signing of Oslo in 1993 that it was “an instrument of Palestinian surrender, a Palestinian Versailles”.
Also, check out our coverage of Vancouver’s 2019 meeting honouring Edward Said. Book launch: “Culture and Resistance” by Edward Said and David Barsamian – Canada Palestine Association (cpavancouver.org)
PDF of Said’s lecture: SAIE036-MemoryInequalityPower (alternativeradio.org)