New article with video highlights on this successful picket.
#StoptheJNF: No Tax Breaks for Apartheid! (VIDEO)

Mark the date — Sunday, April 14, 2019, 4:30 pm
Outside Congregation Schara Tzedeck
3476 Oak St., Vancouver (gather SW corner Oak and 19th)
Facebook Event
Once again this year, Vancouver activists are issuing a callout to protest the fund raising gala of the Jewish National Fund.… Read more
New article with video highlights on this successful picket.
#StoptheJNF: No Tax Breaks for Apartheid! (VIDEO)

Mark the date — Sunday, April 14, 2019, 4:30 pm
Outside Congregation Schara Tzedeck
3476 Oak St., Vancouver (gather SW corner Oak and 19th)
Facebook Event
Once again this year, Vancouver activists are issuing a callout to protest the fund raising gala of the Jewish National Fund.… Read more

Saturday, February 23, 2019 at 2 PM – 4 PM
Room 7000 SFU Harbor Centre 515 West Hastings Street
The late Edward Said left an indelible mark on post-colonial studies with his book, “Orientalism” and taught generations to recognize the West’s constructions of its “other,” particularly in the Middle East and the Islamic world. As a Palestinian intellectual Said brought his anti-colonial critique to bear on what he called “The Question of Palestine,” revealing Zionism as a colonial ideology and the Western liberal support of this as a part of its colonial heritage.… Read more

Saturday, February 23, 2019 at 2 PM – 4 PM
Room 7000 SFU Harbor Centre 515 West Hastings Street
The late Edward Said left an indelible mark on post-colonial studies with his book, “Orientalism” and taught generations to recognize the West’s constructions of its “other,” particularly in the Middle East and the Islamic world. As a Palestinian intellectual Said brought his anti-colonial critique to bear on what he called “The Question of Palestine,” revealing Zionism as a colonial ideology and the Western liberal support of this as a part of its colonial heritage.… Read more