Position Paper on Canadian Elections 2006

We call on our community, as we did in our Position Paper on Canadian Elections 2004, to vote for candidates who are interested in serving humanity and the people’s interest at home and abroad, and not to give any backing to those who are benefiting materially from the Israeli lobby in Canada. We call on our community and our Canadian supporters to defeat all those who are in the current Canadian Cabinet including the Prime Minister, who are complicit in supporting, maintaining and covering up for Israeli occupation, atrocities and war crimes.… Read more

Open Letter to BCTF Executive

The Executive Committee
British Columbia Teachers’ Federation
100 – 550 West 6th Avenue,Vancouver, B.C. V5Z 4P2

Dear Executive Committee Members:

We have become increasingly concerned by recent actions on the part of the BCTF executive regarding the Palestinian/Israeli issue. While the campaign for Divestment from Israel is gaining momentum in Canada, the latest being 20 Québec groups who recently called for a boycott of Israel, including the Québec union of CEGEP teachers, you seem to have fallen on the side of injustice and reaction.… Read more

Lee Maracle to the AFN

Dear Friends

Following is a letter sent to the AFN by a long time friend, Lee Maracle.

Lee is an indigenous activist who supported the Palestinian struggle since the 1970’s. She shared the same platform with Mahmoud Darwish and Shafiq Al-Hout at a meeting we organized in 1976 during the UN Habitat Conference in Vancouver.

Lee is of Salish and Cree ancestry and a member of the Sto:loh Nation, and is the author of critically acclaimed “Ravensong”, “I am Woman”, “Bobbi Lee-Indian Rebel”, “Daughters are Forever” and the poetry collection “Bentbox”.… Read more

Public Statement – Stop Supporting Israel’s War Crimes

The Canadian Hadassah-WIZO is holding its 38th National Convention in Vancouver, November 19th – 23rd, 2005. In addition to the Israeli Ambassador to Canada, Alan Baker, as one of their “Distinguished Guests”, also in attendance will be the new Jordanian Ambassador to Canada, Nabil Barto. Barto will be addressing the Gala Banquet that will be held Tuesday, Nov. 22, 2005 and will also be speaking on Monday, Nov.… Read more

Coalition Against Israel’s War Crimes – Media Communique

The Coalition Against Israel’s War Crimes delivered a letter on October 28 to the Minister of Citizenship and Immigration asking him to prohibit Ariel Sharon from entering Canada pursuant to section 35 of the Immigration and Refugee Protection Act (IRPA), which renders individuals guilty of committing war crimes or crimes against humanity inadmissible for entry. Sharon is scheduled to speak on November 14 at the United Jewish Communities 2005 General Assembly being held in Toronto and one of the invited speakers is Irwin Cotler, Minister of Justice and Attorney General of Canada.… Read more

Update Concerning VanCity’s Reversal of their Decision Against B.C. Market

Dear Friends:

We are pleased to tell you that VanCity has reversed its decision regarding closing the business account of B.C. MARKET. David Mowat, their CEO, personally informed us that the decision had resulted from a misunderstanding and also offered an apology for what had happened.

Therefore, we consider the matter resolved. We would like to thank all those people who took the time to write or phone and express their concerns about this incident.… Read more

Open Letter to Minister of Justice and Attorney General of Canada Irwin Cotler

The Honourable Irwin Cotler Minister of Justice and Attorney General of Canada

Mr. Cotler:

It has came to our attention that Retired Israeli Colonel Zeev Raz, who led the illegal Israeli aggression against Iraq in 1981 and destroyed the Osirak nuclear reactor, will be in Vancouver to speak at Temple Shalom on September 17, 2005.

Canada and the UN condemned this terrorist raid that endangered the lives of the Iraqi civilian population and encroached on the sovereignty of a UN member state.… Read more

Open Letter – Discriminatory Policies of Vancity Towards Arab-Canadians

Following is an open letter sent to VanCity credit union in Vancouver. If you agree that their actions are discriminatory and outrageous, please let them know.

Email: VanCity Board of Directors [email protected]
Phone/Fax: VanCity Branch 17 Financial Services Manager Tel: 604-877-7171 or Branch Manager Tel: 604-877-7170 Fax: 604-877-7917
(Please c.c. the chair of the Vancity Community Foundation, Tim Louis [email protected], the body mandated “to develop relationships with ….
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Open Letter to the Canadian Arab Federation

We do not need to prove our loyalty!

We were alarmed and shocked when we read your weekly Bulletins July 22 and July 29, 2005. We had thought that forming “Canadians for Jerusalem” to defend the Canadian Government’s position had been an isolated incident, but it seems to us that official CAF policy is sinking further into a policy of collaboration and subjugation to the Canadian establishment.… Read more

CKNW: It is not Balance, it is Dishonesty‏

Israeli Ambassador given double time on Vancouver Radio Station‏

July 18, 2005

Peter Warren

Bill Good Show, CKNW

Dear Mr. Warren:

I wish to register my outrage at the way I was dealt with this morning on the Bill Good show. When I was contacted by your producer, I was told that the Israeli ambassador would be on from 9 – 9:30 am and then I would follow with another segment from 9:30 to 10:00 to give the Palestinian perspective.… Read more