
Join the campaign to force Scotiabank to complete
their divestment from Elbit and all other companies that support Israeli war crimes, occupation and the colonization of Palestine.

On October 2, activists across the Lower Mainland in BC disrupted business as usual for genocide-enabler Scotiabank and its global asset fund. Leading up to the week of action entitled RESISTING GENOCIDE: BOYCOTT FOR PALESTINIAN LIBERATION, protestors confirmed their resolve to not rest until Scotiabank and all complicit entities are forced to divest from genocide.

Highlights video: https://www.instagram.com/p/DArl5azygFN
More info on Scotiabank investments: Scotiabank is invested in over $15 Billion Canadian ($11 billion USD) in war crimes & potentially genocide – Just Peace Advocates

ScotiaBank name is an embarrassment – Canada Palestine Association
Scotiabank must divest completely from Elbit Systems! – Canada Palestine Association (cpavancouver.org)