Voice of Palestine
Voice of Palestine is run collectively, completely independent, and committed to bringing the often muffled and neglected voice of the Palestinian people to the world public.
The show first went on the air in September, 1987, and for the first twenty five years it broadcast weekly on “Vancouver Cooperative Radio (CFRO)” 102.7 FM. On October 24th, 2012, following major disagreements with “Co-op Radio” over policy issues, VOP switched to a web-based show with a YouTube Channel.
New posts are highlighted on the home page – click View Full Post to download mp3 files of recent shows. Subscribe to the VOP RSS feed using your RSS reader or podcast app (such as iTunes) to be automatically notified when the latest shows are ready.
For people who wish to receive announcements from VOP show, please join the Voice of Palestine facebook group.
Looking for old shows to download and listen to? Use the Calendar Archive on the homepage to navigate the date of the show you are interested, or select a particular month and year from the Archives list.
Email Voice of Palestine at [email protected] for further info or feedback and comments.