It doesn’t take divine inspiration to predict two topics that will be discussed in American media until election day. Mike Lupica told it like it is in the June 15 New York Daily News, “More money will be spent” in this election “than on any political campaign in world history.” The New York Times editorially rages against the Supreme Court’s Citizens United decision.… Read more
Vancouver Rally
Sunday, September 30
1 PM
Vancouver Art Gallery (Robson side)
Robson St. and Hornby St., Vancouver
Join us on September 30 to stand in solidarity with both the farmers and fishers of Palestine as they work to defend their land and sea from occupation and continue their harvest and their livelihoods.… Read more
Vancouver Rally
Sunday, September 30
1 PM
Vancouver Art Gallery (Robson side)
Robson St. and Hornby St., Vancouver
Join us on September 30 to stand in solidarity with both the farmers and fishers of Palestine as they work to defend their land and sea from occupation and continue their harvest and their livelihoods.… Read more
Voice of Palestine Exits Coop Radio after 25 Years
Plans for Internet-only Show
August 15, 2012
Dear Friends:
On September 4, 2012, Voice of Palestine VOP radio show in Vancouver, Canada will mark a quarter century of broadcasting at Vancouver Coop Radio, 102.7 FM. We are extremely proud of the show’s history and our long contribution in bringing the Palestinian narrative to a broader audience.… Read more
On May 31, 2012, the Jewish National Fund JNF Pacific Region will be holding an evening to support their 2012 project – the “Arava Peace Route”. Similar to the mockery that is Canada Park, the JNF is publicly claiming to be enhancing the environment and supporting a “peace route”, while ethnically cleansing the Palestinian Bedouins from the same Negev region where their “peace route” will “enhance access to and from farmers fields ..… Read more
On May 31, 2012, the Jewish National Fund JNF Pacific Region will be holding an evening to support their 2012 project – the “Arava Peace Route”. Similar to the mockery that is Canada Park, the JNF is publicly claiming to be enhancing the environment and supporting a “peace route”, while ethnically cleansing the Palestinian Bedouins from the same Negev region where their “peace route” will “enhance access to and from farmers fields ..… Read more
This year, the Zionist organizations in Vancouver celebrated “Israel’s 64th Independence Day, Yom Ha’atzmaut” on April 25, 2012 at “The Centre in Vancouver for Performing Arts”. The event was presented by the “Jewish Federation” of Greater Vancouver, sponsored by the “Jewish National Fund”, Canadian Friends of the Hebrew University of Jerusalem, ”Jewish Independent” and the Executive Hotel Vintage Park, along with 55 “Community Partners” including the “Peretz Centre for Secular Jewish Culture”.… Read more
This year, the Zionist organizations in Vancouver celebrated “Israel’s 64th Independence Day, Yom Ha’atzmaut” on April 25, 2012 at “The Centre in Vancouver for Performing Arts”. The event was presented by the “Jewish Federation” of Greater Vancouver, sponsored by the “Jewish National Fund”, Canadian Friends of the Hebrew University of Jerusalem, ”Jewish Independent” and the Executive Hotel Vintage Park, along with 55 “Community Partners” including the “Peretz Centre for Secular Jewish Culture”.… Read more
On the 64th anniversary of the occupation of Palestine, and as the Palestinian people enter the 64th year of dispossession and exile, the Vancouver Coalition to Commemorate Al-Nakba is organizing 2 events to commemorate the Nakba, stand against the continuing Nakba, and call for the right of return for Palestinian refugees and freedom for Palestine. 64 years after the Nakba – the war of 1948 in which over 800,000 Palestinians were driven from their homes and land and the state of Israel created on that land – Palestinians continue to struggle for their right to return, for freedom from occupation, for justice, and against the Nakba that continues today.… Read more
On the 64th anniversary of the occupation of Palestine, and as the Palestinian people enter the 64th year of dispossession and exile, the Vancouver Coalition to Commemorate Al-Nakba is organizing 2 events to commemorate the Nakba, stand against the continuing Nakba, and call for the right of return for Palestinian refugees and freedom for Palestine. 64 years after the Nakba – the war of 1948 in which over 800,000 Palestinians were driven from their homes and land and the state of Israel created on that land – Palestinians continue to struggle for their right to return, for freedom from occupation, for justice, and against the Nakba that continues today.… Read more
Ilan Pappé
The False Paradigm of Peace: Revisiting the Palestine Question
Vancouver, British Columbia, Saturday, May 05, 2012, 07:00 PM
Alice Mackay Room
Library Square Conference Centre
350 West Georgia Street
Vancouver, BC V6B 6B1
$15 non-students
$10 students (with ID)
Tickets can be purchased at the door while supplies last (cash only.) You may also reserve a front-section seat by buying a ticket on-line in advance.… Read more
Ilan Pappé
The False Paradigm of Peace: Revisiting the Palestine Question
Vancouver, British Columbia, Saturday, May 05, 2012, 07:00 PM
Alice Mackay Room
Library Square Conference Centre
350 West Georgia Street
Vancouver, BC V6B 6B1
$15 non-students
$10 students (with ID)
Tickets can be purchased at the door while supplies last (cash only.) You may also reserve a front-section seat by buying a ticket on-line in advance.… Read more
April 17: Rally and Speak-Out for Freedom for Palestinian Political Prisoners! – Vancouver
Tuesday, April 17, 2012
5:00 PM – 7:00 PM
CBC Building, 700 Hamilton St (Hamilton and Georgia), Vancouver
Facebook Event
Nearly 5,000 Palestinian political prisoners are held in jails in Israel, including 170 children and 6 women. 310 prisoners are held – without charge or trial – under administrative detention.… Read more
April 17: Rally and Speak-Out for Freedom for Palestinian Political Prisoners! – Vancouver
Tuesday, April 17, 2012
5:00 PM – 7:00 PM
CBC Building, 700 Hamilton St (Hamilton and Georgia), Vancouver
Facebook Event
Nearly 5,000 Palestinian political prisoners are held in jails in Israel, including 170 children and 6 women. 310 prisoners are held – without charge or trial – under administrative detention.… Read more