Detailed report on the Sept. 17th Picket: Vancouver protesters #BoycottPuma and support Palestinian prisoners’ struggle for freedom (
Over 1k sign the petition in Canada calling for Puma to end its sponsorship of the Israel Football Association.
Friday, September 17 at 5 pm
Outside Sport Chek, 788 Robson St. (at Howe), Vancouver
Join us on September 17th to be part of the global #BoycottPuma campaign! Lets give Puma the boot!
Global sportswear manufacturer Puma is involved in violations of international law and human rights. Puma is the main sponsor of the Israel Football Association (IFA), which includes teams in Israel’s illegal settlements on occupied Palestinian land.
We will also call for the freedom of all Palestinian political prisoners.
Boycott Israeli Apartheid!
FB Event page: Boycott Puma Picket | Facebook