Text version of the New Democratic Party NDP response to the I Vote Palestine letter with the nine questions sent by CPA (in the name of 21 organizations) to all party leaders.
Oct. 8, 2019
NDP Response: Canada Palestine Association
We stand for freedom, justice and equality for the Palestinian people, and
we ask you to clarify where you and your party stand on the following:
* Do you support Palestinian human and national rights including the inalienable right to self-determination?
A. Yes, we are committed to the protection of Palestinian human rights, including the inalienable right to self-determination.
* Do you oppose Israeli ethnic cleansing, war crimes and apartheid?
A. We oppose all human-rights abuses committed by Israel, including
killings, arbitrary and abusive detention, forced displacement,
restrictions on movement, the expansion of illegal settlements, and all
other human-rights abuses.
* Do you recognize the fundamental rights of the Arab-Palestinian citizens of Israel to full equality?
A. Yes, we stand for full equality of Arab Israelis and against the discrimination that exists against them in Israel today.
* Do you respect, protect and promote the rights of Palestinian
refugees to return to their homes and properties as stipulated in UN resolution 194?
A. We fully support UN resolutions with respect to Israel and Palestine, including UN General Assembly resolution 194.
* Do you support ending Israeli occupation and colonization of all Arab lands and dismantling the Wall?
A. Yes. Canada should play a more active role in calling for the end of Israeli occupation of Palestinian land.
* Do you oppose Canadian tax-deductible status for the Jewish National Fund JNF, HESEG Foundation and all Zionist organizations that are disguised as charities while supporting the Israeli military and settlements?
A. These are matters for the CRA to determine. Having said that, NDP MP
Pierre-Luc Dusseault sponsored a parliamentary petition calling on the
Minister of National Revenue to revoke JNF Canada’s charitable status if
found to be in violation of the Income Tax Act and CRA guidelines and
* Do you recognize the rights of Canadians to support the Boycott Divestment and Sanctions BDS movement as a non-violent strategy to force Israel to abide by UN resolutions and all international humanitarian laws?
A. Yes.
* Do you oppose condemning or criminalizing people or organizations who support the BDS Movement?
A. Yes.
* Do you oppose the anti-Palestinian, anti-democratic and politically charged IHRA definition of anti-Semitism?
A. We believe the government of Canada must have a clear definition of
anti-Semitism so we can better gauge, report, and work towards ending
it. We have some concerns that the IHRA definition and its associated
examples could undermine those who wish to speak out in favour of the
human rights of Palestinians.